Religion & Spirituality

A childhood of belonging

A childhood of belonging

Faith for me has always been wrapped up, like a ball of yarn, with family and church. Family, God, and church; I was raised in the rich soil of all three. But that doesn't mean I understood the full measure and message of the gospel of Christ. I probably still don't.

Story weekend ("meeting" Anne Lamott)

Story weekend ("meeting" Anne Lamott)

I could have stood in the book line, empty-handed and full-hearted, to say, like so many adoring readers, "I love your writing", when what I really wanted to say is "I love you". But that felt foolish, which maybe I am.



I thought I would find confidence again by getting reacquainted with myself as a child, tapping into my feisty young adult self. I thought I might have to go back to who I was, to find out who I am now. Or maybe I needed to look forward, to craft ...