Faith & Community

And then there was a Prom

And then there was a Prom

Our homeschool community had a Prom this spring. Our beautiful, teenaged and young adult kids in fancy clothes, being feted and photographed by their grey-tinged, a wee bit wrinkled, camera-happy, tired but proud parents.

Presence in pain

Presence in pain

This is how we hold the beauty and the pain, by learning to bear afflictions with one another. We incarnate the love of God in being with one another. God is known to the other in each other when we give something of ourselves - our time, resources, skills, and agenda. And when we accept what others give.

What does it all mean?

What does it all mean?

The joy and the pain of being human are bound together like a knotted cord, and what gives meaning to that twisted reality is that we all share it. This is everyone's truth. This is a shared experience.

Mother's Day in Ottawa

Mother's Day in Ottawa

It's impossible to know the twists and turns that a life will take, the potential routes of family and individual migrations. It's what makes life both interesting, and sometimes heartbreaking.

Christmas for Solstice

Christmas for Solstice

What I do hope with all my heart, is that you experience love, light, and connection this season, through some ritual or practice, as a reminder of your identity, value, and meaning as a human.

A review of a farm spiritual retreat

A review of a farm spiritual retreat

This past spring I went to visit and volunteer at a farm in New York. It was a spiritual retreat. I didn't know how desperately hungry I was for this kind of experience until I was there, feasting on it.

Evangelism, Freedom, and The Gospel

Evangelism, Freedom, and The Gospel

I felt born again. Come to life in Christ. And I'm not ashamed to talk about it, or even too worried that you can't relate, because I'm learning to trust the Spirit in all things. My intention is not to proselytize. My intention is simply to bear witness to the human heart, my heart.