April 25, 2019
I grew up in the happy bubble of secure ignorance. This is not a bad thing for a child to experience. In fact I think it's one of the most developmentally supportive conditions, for childhood. But eventually you have to grow up and become aware of your own privilege.
April 24, 2019
Somehow in the story telling, in the life living, we forgot that we were outsiders once. Every single one of us.
October 19, 2018
We are who we are because of where we come from, and who we come from, and of course all the experiences that, not only change us, but actually create us, along the way.
May 8, 2017
How my tradition understood the Bible and the growing cognitive dissonance I started to experience as a young adult between science and literal Biblical interpretation, left me with a fraught relationship with this sacred text.
May 4, 2017
Faith for me has always been wrapped up, like a ball of yarn, with family and church. Family, God, and church; I was raised in the rich soil of all three. But that doesn't mean I understood the full measure and message of the gospel of Christ. I probably still don't.