Bread baking

Well, I've started baking bread again. After about 1 year of taking a break I was anxious to try again. For awhile Brienne was sensitive to wheat and it was no fun to bake bread and then only eat it when she was sleeping or not in the room. This combined with some failed loaves and I thought I'd give it a rest.

I've been trying a recipe that makes 2 loaves. Today's modification was 3/4 whole wheat. I'm moving towards 100% whole wheat. The more I do it, the easier it gets. Today's bread tasted great. The kids love it and after not eating homemade bread for awhile it's a real treat. My first attempt last Friday was too moist but we ate it up anyway. I was happy with today's results.

I'll keep you posted on my progress.

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  • Anonymous

    Anonymous on Nov. 4, 2004, 6:50 a.m.

    Hi Renee Are you using the bread machine or are you baking it in the oven of your stove? A trick I learned when I was into baking whole grain breads (before Dad went on dialysis) was to add extra gluten to the flour. It makes the heavier breads rise better. It especially works well with rye breads which are really heavy. When Dad gets a new kidney, we will be back to eating whole grain breads again. I can't wait for that! Love MOM


    • Anonymous

      Anonymous on Nov. 4, 2004, 1:08 p.m.


      I'm using the oven. The bread machine doesn't make whole wheat loaves very well anymore, I think it's getting too old. Yes, I do use gluten. The general guide is 1 tbsp/loaf. I used 1 tbsp in my last recipe since it was a whole wheat/white mix. Thanks for the tip!


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