Boardin' to the Old Port

When we decided this morning to head to Portland instead of the mountains we didn't realize the Old Port Festival was today. Coincidently, our original plan to scooter, bike and board around the back cove was thwarted by the unanticipated gravel path. Can't skateboard on that.

Plan B was the Eastern Promenade trail which led us right down to Commercial Street and into the Old Port Festival. What a nice surprise for our afternoon.

Damien practiced on his new longboard, Laurent skateboarded as well, Celine biked and Dolly scootered (scooted?) and walked. I schlepped the backpack and various gear as it was discarded by children, kept Brienne company at the back of the pack and took pictures. Great summer fun, and an unexpectedly pleasant change from our usual hike.

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« Sunday Morning Crafting
Garden Report - Tomatoes Planted »
  • Amanda T.

    Amanda T. on June 2, 2008, 2:20 a.m.

    Lauren wishes he was there with you for the skateboarding!!! He used to go all the time before we had the kids. Now it sits in pieces somewhere =:-)


  • Karen

    Karen on June 2, 2008, 11:04 a.m.

    What fun! Renee, I really like how you have placed your photos in the middle of your blog page, and also the size of them. Any quick tips how to do that?


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