Monthly Archives Apr 2020

And then we went home (week six)

And then we went home (week six)

Nova Scotia offered space, fresh air and forest; and unprecedented opportunity to be together as a a family. But Montreal is home and it's time for us to return.

Life in lockdown (week five)

Life in lockdown (week five)

I'm not not anxious but I'm starting to feel a growing discomfort and lack of motivation.

From field and forests, across oceans (week four)

From field and forests, across oceans (week four)

I feel at home in the trees in a way that defies my prairie upbringing. Maybe because before they were farmers, my ancestors carved small homesteads out of primeval European forest in ages past. And even more recently lived in the woods.

A place for creativity, community and connection

A place for creativity, community and connection

Bethany's story is a good one. It's about the imprinting effects of our earliest memories and childhood experiences on our ideas of home. It's about creating a family culture of radical and life-enriching hospitality. It's about trust and freedom and finding a home where your heart is secure, safe and loved.