Monthly Archives Jun 2017



Life presented the opportunity, as it does from time to time, to critically evaluate some of my beliefs and assumptions. To look in dusty corners and to acknowledge some quiet cognitive and spiritual dissonance in my life.

Summer - please don't be so busy

Summer - please don't be so busy

Uncertainty, deadlines, plain old hard work, and financial stress exist no matter what path I take. So why not have a memorable experience while going through these realities.

Practicing a philosophy of life

Practicing a philosophy of life

Homeschooling for me is as much about a commitment to the practice of a philosophy, a way of thinking and approaching life, as it is about providing my kids a certain type of education.

Come stay in Montreal (and can we stay at your house this summer?)

Come stay in Montreal (and can we stay at your house this summer?)

We have an apartment in Montreal we want to share. And would you like to host us on our travels this summer?

Speaking at a homeschool conference

Speaking at a homeschool conference

I'm speaking at a local homeschool conference. No one is as surprised about this as I am.