a mellowing of days

My mother in law is visiting for a couple weeks. You may recall that my father in law passed away at the end of March.

Life is somewhat mellowed around here, that's the best way I can describe it. I'll be posting as I can. I need to write to stay sane so I'm sure some of it will end up here. The forecast for the week is rain, sounds like it will suit the mellow mood perfectly.

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  • kyndale

    kyndale on June 9, 2009, 2:13 p.m.

    We had the most amazing thunderstorm last night. Rain almost all night. It feels pretty mellow around here too with all of the rain, but also exciting with the thunder.

    I hope you enjoy the visit from your mother-in-law :)


  • kirwin

    kirwin on June 9, 2009, 2:30 p.m.

    I hope your visit from your mother-in-law is a good time. I don't know what your relationship with her is, so ??? My MIL is sweeter than candy (almost too sweet) and God bless her...she exhausts me with her nonstop chatter.

    BTW, I've been meaning to ask you -- where did your family emigrate from?


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