January 23, 2014
My grandfather died last November. I mentioned that here.
Last week in the mail, Laurent received this hat from my aunt.
It was my grandfather's and when my mom and my aunt were going through his things my mom thought Laurent would like this hat. He does. Good call Mom.
I have a hard time imagining it fitting my grandfather. Is Laurent's head really that big?
Laurent is a hat boy. He's often wearing a head covering of some sort. A buff, a Nana-knit toque, or his Montreal ball cap.
He loves this faux fur lined bomber style hat.
It's cold this month, January cold.
A perfect month for a really warm hat.
Thanks grandpa. And thanks Auntie for sending it and Mom for calling it.
I love this. I don't have anything that belonged to my grandparents or my dad, who passed away in 1999. I wish I did because none of my children met my grandparents, and only one of them remembers my dad. (I can only imagine what he would think about me having eleven kids!) Cherish this. Sometimes tangible things make people who have passed on seem to be more than an abstract memory.
He looks very handsome in it! ♥
Oh, I love this hat on Laurent. I was so surprised its size - I have a different one hanging in my back entrance that fits me! When Laurent sees it, he may be in possession of another hat from Grandpa. Feeling heaps of warm fuzzies (and not from the sun pouring through our windows!) thinking of all the pieces in this warm story.
xo, Mom
I love the story and the cute fella ......you wear it well, Laurent!! I think Grandpa's head must have been small or the hat has shrunk up.
Tears came to my eyes as I read this, Renee. What a treasure for Laurent, as well as for you to see him in it! I had two grandparents to pass away this year. I have something small from each of them. They are displayed, if you will, in the main areas of our home, where we see them many times a day and smile. Grandparents are such gifts!
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Melissa R on Jan. 23, 2014, 2:29 p.m.
I think it's important to have some tangible connections to loved ones. For Christmas gifts my son (11) and I deconstruted 2 pairs of Pepe's paint-covered overalls and turned them into gifts. Pillows (with pockets and notes tucked inside!), a cooking apron, a tote bag. We only have a bit of materials left out of those overalls, I'm not sure what the rest will be used for. The creating process was so special. Each cut had to be carefully planned so we didn't waste anything. We loved every pocket, every button, every inch. I have many things of my paternal grandma (she died in 1976) in my home including the table I am sitting at now. Memories are important, but I think tangible things are also.
Anna on Jan. 28, 2014, 7:43 p.m.
I so agree, Melissa. My father died last February, and I made lap quilts for both of my brothers from my dad's shirts and trousers (paint stains, pockets and all). My son has my dad's wallet, and my daughter asked for the bed she alway slept in at my parents' house (my mom died 4 years ago). Knowing all of this soothes my heart when it starts to ache.