A better to-do list

Today's Raspberries: A photo that is somewhat but not necessarily related to the following post but makes me smile nonetheless.Today's Raspberries: A photo that is somewhat but not necessarily related to the following post.</span> This morning during my sporadic (some days I'm disciplined, most days I'm not) quiet time I wrote. Mostly prayers of the "please guide me" variety. My last scribbles of the morning were:

simplify be content self-discipline enjoy embrace love.

The words flowed from my pen, without thought. After I wrote them I was pleasantly surprised with what seemed like a divine answer to my morning's soul searching. It became my updated Tuesday's to-do list.

Lest you think my life is airy fairy and I'm running around arms in air with a free spirit "going with the flow" I should set the record straight. I don't know much about tested personality types, I hate labels, but I'm probably a type A personality. Very task orientated and driven to accomplish. I'm not a work outside the home career woman so this "energy" is channeled into my homemaking. Somedays it seems like homemaking with a vengeance. Hum... maybe that's a better title for this blog.

I'm fairly thick-headed but I'm getting the message of where my heart and home needs to be (contented), how I'm going to achieve my goals (simplify & self-discipline), how to travel this journey (enjoy & embrace) and what needs to over-arch it all (love).

« Today I choose to embrace
Incredible Edible Nasturtiums »
  • Andie

    Andie on July 17, 2008, 2:40 p.m.

    Lol, "homemaking with a vengeance", ha! I'm right there with ya. Love the part about simplifying, enjoying and embracing. Beautiful words to live by. a.


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