En Route & Arrived

Part of the Big Sky Big Dreams blog series.

After two days of travel (first an eleven hour drive to Maine and overnight stay with friends, then a day of three flights with inevitable delays) we have arrived in Montana.

For these first couple days in "Big Sky Country" we're staying with Ryan Jordan and his wife Stephanie. Later this week we head to Mel's house and then off to Katie & Martin's for a night.

After we leave Montana we'll be staying a couple nights in Jackson, WY before heading to Utah.

In Utah (the location for Outdoor Retailer) we'll be staying with Emily's family and ending our trip with a friend/contact of Damien's.

There's hikes to be had in these great mountains, people to meet, some writing to do and just plain old downtime for the two of us. We did some hiking today already in Bozeman. Wow, what a beautiful place.

I'll be checking in (or not) as I'm able.

On an unrelated note I'm posting today at Simple Homeschool about how we teach elementary science. This is part of a series I've been trying to do, ever so slowly, on how we teach the basic "subjects" during these foundational years of homeschooling.

Hope to see you soon. If not, you'll know I'm enjoying the beautiful west.

Filed Under

Part of Series

« Dad's Birthday Party ~ Feels Like Family
Fifteen ~ This Adventure called Marriage »
  • Hikingmama

    Hikingmama on July 29, 2011, 3:09 a.m.

    Have a great time, Renee! Dan's folks live in Livingston, which is 45 minutes from Bozeman. We spend a lot of time there, in Yellowstone, Grand Teton and Jackson every time we visit them.....some of our favorite places in the world. Truly 'God's Country'.

    Enjoy your couple time and travel safely.


    • renee

      renee on July 29, 2011, 3:39 a.m.

      Oh my goodness... tell me about it! Damien and I are in love with this area. This is not the last time we are coming here. We're in Livingston as I type this...


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