Old age

I just thought you all should know - I found my first gray hair this afternoon. It's kind of a relief actually, I've been waiting for it and now I don't have to wait and wonder anymore : ) It's fitting I guess as I am turning 30 the end of this year. That's my confession for the day!

« That's my Boy!
Going all the way »
  • Amanda

    Amanda on July 31, 2005, 5:53 p.m.

    The gray hair must come from having three kids. I think that is the trick. I am sad to say I am only 24 ( almost 25) and I color my hair cause I have been going gray for awhile. I wish I could sound as happy as you about it. Lauren just hears me nag about mine. So where is it coming? I hope not like mine. I just get it in the front.


    • renee

      renee on July 31, 2005, 11:44 p.m.

      One lone hair on the top of my head.


    • becky

      becky on Aug. 4, 2005, 1:38 a.m.

      I didn't find my first grey hair, one of my sisters did and wow was it a BIG deal! I wasn't exactly laughing, more like hiding...it was at least 8years ago. I found another one since but it was in my eye brow. It's funny now but when your a teenager...not so funny. I'm not actually greying just once in a while I find a new friend...though some would say enemy. Grey hair is actually a sign of wisdom...so Renee, Amanda maybe it's not a bad thing to have.


  • barbara

    barbara on Aug. 5, 2005, 6:12 a.m.

    I think people with dark hair obsess more about grey hairs than people with blonde hair do. That's because people with blonde hair can get away with it better (It hardly shows until you get quite a few grey hairs all in the same place). So I don't remember when it became noticeable for me. Probably some time between thirty and forty I think. At least you can console yourselves with the thought that they have some pretty fine hair colouring products out there now and since people colour their hair at any age, nobody would know if you were colouring grey or just trying out a "new look". Sometimes people get grey hairs earlier because some big stess thing is happening. Stress seems to affect hair colour. Sometimes it is due to poor eating habits. Eating healthy can delay the grey. Sometimes it's just plain genetics. There are some herbal teas that might be able to restore some colour back to hair if the reason for the grey is that you are lacking certain minerals in your diet. Herbal teas can supply many important nutrients. Many commercially grown vegetables that are grown year after year in the same, exhausted soil might lack important nutrients that our bodies need to stay healthy. So even if we are eating our veggies, we may not be getting all the important nutrients.


  • melanie

    melanie on Aug. 8, 2005, 3:22 p.m.

    How about a few translucent hairs (as I like to call them, cause mine really aren't grey, more or less clear)? Kelly found my first two about two weeks before our wedding day! We were sitting around a fire with Dad in Rocky and he spotted them. I was a bit horrified but we did have a good laugh about it. I guess it was from all the stress of planning the wedding.


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