Moments of Light

I think I've already mentioned once or twice that late October and early November have been grey around these parts. 

So I look for light and capture it where I can. And those days, that one day, when the sun does shine - oh how I appreciate its radiance and warmth in my life.

~~~Wishing you light, love and warmth in your life today.~~~

« The Truth in Nature
My Take on Holiday Planning »
  • Ruth

    Ruth on Nov. 12, 2012, 2:04 a.m.

    I know what you mean about grey days - we had quite a run of them a while back but saw glorious sunshine yesterday & today - something I immensely appreciate even if the temp is -20ish..... let's hope it continues for tomorrow when I have to clean my house~


  • Melissa R

    Melissa R on Nov. 12, 2012, 1:13 p.m.

    I love the picture of reading with the cat. But the one that really made me think is the one where daughter is standing at the table doing something with a pencil. How wonderful to be able to stand at a table and have it be just the right height to use it that way. Tables are too far down for me to stand at and use. I have a small, high, counter (breakfast bar thing) that I use in that way. It just spoke to me, the fact that there are times when something fits you just right, but it may be a fleeting thing that you have to capture at the right moment.


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