January blues

Having a touch of the winter blues the past couple days. Tired of being cooped up indoors with 3 small children who are getting on each others and my nerves. I find myself fantasizing about a warm winter vacation in the tropics, which in fact we are planning to do for our 10 year anniversary.

Today we got another dump of snow, beautiful & fluffy. So, Laurent & Celine and I went out after supper and shoveled. The kids played on the 2 and 3 foot high snow piles along the side of our driveway. Our driveway is long so it's a good thing I love shoveling. I was rejuvenated being outside in the crisp air and exerting myself - only 2 months to go!

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  • renee

    renee on Jan. 27, 2005, 2:12 a.m.

    Wow...ten year anniversary in the tropics! Sounds amazing! Try sitting on a heater and closing your eyes and letting your mind take you there ahead of time...but not too long you may start a fire in your pants! Thinking of you Renee!


  • renee

    renee on Jan. 30, 2005, 11:44 p.m.

    Hi Renee, I hear you about the winter blues. When it is so cold you don't want to go outdoors much, it does seem like we are cooped up indoors more and don't see the sun too much. The first chance I get to go outdoors when the sun is shining and it warms up I sit on a park bench facing the sun and just sit there for while soaking up the sun with my eyes closed. I love it! When is your ten year again? 2006? If so, that is not too far away. Would you take the kids?


  • renee

    renee on Jan. 31, 2005, 7:06 a.m.

    I have to admit, I have been browsing the seat sales on Expedia.com. and dreaming too! There do seem to be some fantastic seat sales to Mexico and the Bahamas these days. Dad and I are planning to do a little winter travelling when he is feeling strong again. Probably next winter we will attempt something tropical for a few days in January or February if there is a good seat sale on.


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