Friday morning school

Thanks Mom Tougas for the domino game. This morning we played it for the first time and both the kids and I enjoyed it lots. It's a basic domino game, matching the ends. There's a 2nd part that involved collecting tokens, that are placed on the dominos, and then adding up the token to determine your points. Celine did great at adding 3+3+1 and then 2+2+3. She did most of this addition in her head and then used our wooden floor boards (counting the rows in the hardwood floor) as a visual helper for the rest. This is much more enjoyable for me than doing workbooks.

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  • renee

    renee on Jan. 22, 2005, 8:36 a.m.

    Glad you like the domino game. Games are such a fun way to teach children the basic concepts! You can also teach Celine to add using a ruler. Make a big paper ruler and a couple of paper frogs that jump on the numbers. Then have the frog "jump" 2 + 3 and then 2 + 3 + 1. When she understands how to count this way she should be able to easily add numbers using a ruler. You could keep some cardboard rulers in the game box especially for adding the tokens. Love MOM P.S. "Bingo" can teach them number recognition or letter recognition. You can make your own bingo cards using letters instead of numbers, or using numbers 1-20 only.


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