Potty training

Brienne has started potty training. Although I can't say we're really "training" her at all. She's been talking about using the toilet for about a month. So, I finally got the potty out of the attic and have been letting Brienne run around naked, from the waist down. If she isn't wearing a diaper she will use the potty on her own iniative. I don't remind or ask she just goes, of course with a couple little accidents. A major motivator is the M&M's she receives for every successful attempt. The older two are her biggest cheerleaders as they also receive a little treat for her "successes". She's so excited about this new development, visibly proud of herself. I guess she's just ready, I hadn't planned to "train" her until the summer - when it's warmer for running around naked. Apparently she had a different agenda. Brienne is going through some major changes all at one time - moving to a big bed, potty training and weaning (we're currently nursing only for nap time).

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  • renee

    renee on Jan. 27, 2005, 2:15 a.m.

    I am so impressed! I can't imagine little Brienne growing up so quickly...and in such a short time! Pass this on to her for me please...Auntie Becky is so so so proud of her!


  • renee

    renee on Jan. 31, 2005, 6:56 a.m.

    Yes, Brienne is a smart little Cookie to train herself to use the potty. Looks like the "Baby Chapter" of your life is almost over, Renee, in just 6 short years. New freedoms on the horizon....don't fret....there's always more baby experiences when you become a "Grandma".

    Love MOM


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