Involving Dad in your Homeschool

Interrupting our week of eats to direct you to my latest post at Simple Homeschool, Involving Dad in Your Homeschool.

he juices oranges, he teaches the kids computer programming... he's Wonder Dad!

Excerpt from that post:

If you are like “the average” homeschooling family, one parent is largely responsible for the day-to-day schooling while the other is the primary wage earner.

Most often Mom is the one at home overseeing the education while Dad is working outside the home. I don’t think this particular arrangement is ideal, but it is the situation many homeschoolers find ourselves in.

We are like many homeschooling families with Mom at home and Dad at work. But just because Dad’s not home during the day doesn’t mean he isn’t engaged in our children’s education.

With some creative approaches to learning and simple time management we’ve found ways for Dad to play a significant part in homeschool life.

Click here to read more.

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