Monthly Archives Jun 2009

Soap workshop announced

Soap workshop announced

Garden Rosemary Mint A date is picked and a venue booked for my first soapmaking workshop. Wanna come? Basic details: Date: Thursday July 23, 2009 Time: 6:30-8:30pm Location: St. Mary's Nutrition Center, 208 Bates Street, Lewiston, ME Cost: $7.50 per person, pre-paid registration More details: At this workshop you will ...

Contacting me: please read if you've tried

Contacting me: please read if you've tried

Dear friends and readers. I have been remiss in checking my spam box. Apparently some of you have used the handy (& defective) contact me link on this site and never heard a word back from me. Well, that's because your messages were in my spam folder. I have no ...

I saw the light

I saw the light

laundry back on the line We sometimes sing the Hank Williams song I Saw the Light in our home church gatherings. I saw the light, I saw the light. No more darkness; no more night. Now I'm so happy no sorrow in sight. Praise the Lord, I saw the light! ...

Wild Edibles

Wild Edibles

Weeds you can eat.

The uninspired garden update

The uninspired garden update

Homemaking blogs these days are all about gardens and what's growing. I've been so uninspired in that regard, what with the 40 days and 40 nights of rain we've had. I exaggerate of course but you get the idea of how I feel. But... I don't want to be left ...

Saturday night in the city

Saturday night in the city

Granted, it's not a big city but it's decidedly hipper (more touristy and expensive) than ours. Saturday night we headed to the Old Port, the historical downtown district of Portland, ME, to celebrate Damien's birthday at our favorite Japanese & Korean restaurant. A bonus of having my mother-in-law visiting is ...

A thoughtful blue day with sunny beach photos

A thoughtful blue day with sunny beach photos

I'm kind of blue today, melancholy I guess would be the right word. Yesterday we celebrated Damien's 37th birthday and it was a wonderful day. And today is Father's Day, as you all know, but I don't get to be with my own dad (who lives 12 hours away) and ...

Sweet stuff for June

Sweet stuff for June

I had intended this sweet stuff to be links to not-on-the-net books I'm currently reading. But good posts keep showing up in my reader, dang those writers for messing up my plans, and I want to share those good posts. So this edition of sweet stuff is mix of both. ...

An ocean post... almost, pottery instead

An ocean post... almost, pottery instead

Today we went to the ocean, as in wide open expanses of sand, blue sky and surf. My oh my, it was a divine day. Tonight I am happy and tired, I feel fabulous. Maybe I need to make more of an effort this summer to visit the ocean; there ...

Summer non-boredom

Summer non-boredom

How do you keep your kids occupied during the summer?

Beautiful hair care, chem-free

Beautiful hair care, chem-free

The Story Sometime last fall we finished our bottle of conditioner and I was determined to figure out a natural, homemade alternative to care for our family's hair. It's taken me 6 months of trial and error to figure out what works. I hope it might be of some help ...

Knitting at the ocean

Knitting at the ocean

We took a walk today in the woods at Wolfe's Neck Woods State Park in Freeport. After our walk we had a picnic lunch on the rocky Casco Bay shore. What a lovely spot for a lovely day. We visit this park every six months or so. The last time ...

Color for a gray day

Color for a gray day

We've had some rainy days this week. That combined with having a 24/7 in-house guest makes for days that feel slightly off. Not bad, just not quite normal. I thought it was going to rain today, but it didn't. So we were able to spend a good amount of time ...

Photographically speaking

Photographically speaking

I know I've said it before here (when I thought no one was looking and it was safe to share my secret dreams), I want to be a photographer when I grow up. I don't necessarily mean someone who gets paid for taking photos. Although that would be the icing ...

Slugdog? Slugdog?

Slugdog? Slugdog?

Why didn't someone tell me about this typo?? (My MIL just pointed it out to me). I can't believe I titled that post "Slugdog Millionaire..." I guess I really am mellowing out around here.

a mellowing of days

a mellowing of days

My mother in law is visiting for a couple weeks. You may recall that my father in law passed away at the end of March. Life is somewhat mellowed around here, that's the best way I can describe it. I'll be posting as I can. I need to write to ...

Slumdog Millionaire puts me in the dumps

Slumdog Millionaire puts me in the dumps

Life is good and sweet, we're happy and healthy. All is really well. Then I watch a movie like this and realize yet again that life is not all well. I know this is supposed to be a modern day fairy tale but seeing children in poverty and pain is ...

Come camping with us

Come camping with us

We love camping. We love meeting people, hanging out with old friends and making new friends. So hey, why don't you join us for a weekend of camping? You don't even have to shower in the woods. Though you may if you like. Get all the trip details here.

In the dog house

In the dog house

We watched the movie Bolt this past weekend. The kids are actually watching it again right now for the third time before we return it to the video store. It's such a cute movie, definitely recommend it. I'm not a "dog person" (that's not our dog up there, that's TD ...

Reading with my boy

Reading with my boy

His sisters were downstairs in the living room. One asleep, taking an unexpected afternoon nap on the couch. The other cruising her way through a chapter book, thoroughly engrossed. But he and I were snuggled together on my bed. Reading about snakes, weasels and stone wall dragons. I love this ...

Breaking up with Flickr

Breaking up with Flickr

In an attempt to actually walk-the-talk of simple living I've deleted my flickr photostream. If you follow my flickr activity you may have noticed I haven't done much for a the past month and now that's permanent. Why? Basically I don't have enough time to keep up with it all. ...

Empty fridge pasta recipe

Empty fridge pasta recipe

Around here Monday is the start of the weekly "food cycle" - if that's the right name to call it. First, I plan the menu. I have always done a weekly menu and would be quite lost every day at 4pm if I didn't. As it is, I'm kind of ...