Photographically speaking

I know I've said it before here (when I thought no one was looking and it was safe to share my secret dreams), I want to be a photographer when I grow up.

I don't necessarily mean someone who gets paid for taking photos. Although that would be the icing on the cake. When I say I want to be a photographer what I'm really saying is "I want to feel comfortable calling myself that in the same way I'm very confident saying I'm a homemaker & homeschooler." I haven't earned a dime in those vocations but I can, without a doubt, say I am good at what I do: taking care of our home and raising our children.

As part of my training in becoming a photographer I've been reading blogs and books. And in some of this reading the idea of vision keeps popping up. Knowing why it is you're taking photos and what it is you want to focus on. I'm not sure that is what these writers were trying to communicate but that's what I've come away with.

So I've been asking myself questions like: What the heck am I doing with a camera in my hands? What am I trying to achieve? What makes me unique from other photographers? What type of photography inspires me? All of these and more are bouncing around in my head.

And now people have started asking me to take photos for them and they are offering me things of value in return. It actually started last fall, taking portraits of some friend's children. And I'm learning something; my time is very valuable and I'm not interested in every single project that comes my way, just to build a portfolio. Note to friends and family: I'm not referring to projects any of you have asked me to do!

I have a full-time day job - it's called keeping house and home. That is my priority, which gives me even more reason to be focused in my photography goals - I simply don't have the time to be grabbing every opportunity that comes along - my personal and family life would suffer from that.

Now to be honest, I've only had to say "no" once since people have started asking me to take photos (no one is beating down my door). And even that wasn't a flat out "no" but "maybe later". But opportunities have presented themselves that I've had to make a personal yes or no decision.

So I've been asking God for guidance. How to navigate the waters of "becoming a photographer", totally uncharted territory for me - a wife, mother & homemaker. I don't have it all figured out and I think creative vision changes over time but the other day these words came to me and so here it is, my photographic vision. Gosh, do I ever feel vulnerable sharing this but oh well. Some people spill their guts on their blogs, today I spill my prayers.

Why I take photos Needed by me if by no one else.

In the garden, the sunlight as seen through a new blossom, a green shoot. Afternoon light from the window reflected in their blue eyes. The coming, going, creating of my everyday.

The home I create, the places I go. The people I love and the beauty I see I give it all to You. You who created me to see the beauty of Your creation. The beauty of You.

You, who knew me from the beginning of time You, who created this beauty - people, mountains, flowers - all And vistas still yet to see, with expectation I wait.

Does anyone else need it, want it, value it? I don't care. This passion, this vision, this art is mine, is Yours.

taken by my 6 year old Brienne.taken by my 6 year old Brienne.</span>


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Color for a gray day »
  • Shalet

    Shalet on June 10, 2009, 3:31 p.m.

    Popped over here from Andie's site. I too love photography -- it's a hobby for me and I don't yet call myself a photographer. Photography keeps me grounded and allows me to look at the details I might otherwise miss.

    Your photos are great!

    Shalet's last blog post... Hey - It's Monday Again!


  • ~kristina~

    ~kristina~ on June 10, 2009, 5:06 p.m.

    I enjoyed catching up after being away - good thoughts about photography. And you're right, there needs to be a healthier way to cook rhubarb than with all that sugar!


  • Jamie

    Jamie on June 10, 2009, 6:47 p.m.

    Thanks for sharing such a personal piece of you. It's very touching and I wish you all the best in becoming and embracing the photographer you want to be. That was also an excellent article on vision. Great find.

    Jamie's last blog post... Weeds & Wishes


  • claudia

    claudia on June 11, 2009, 1:25 p.m.

    Thanks Renee, I've also been asking myself similar questions on and off lately. What is it all for, shouldn't I be using my time in a more productive way...? I think you're right, we need to be prayerful for God's leading and to bring Him glory in whatever we do.


  • Shawna

    Shawna on June 15, 2009, 1:45 a.m.

    yes, me too. (i'd like to call myself a photographer with pride, even if no one else considered me so.) what a beautiful prayer. and i commend you in the strength it takes to find your priorities and keep them ahead, even at the cost of telling people no (oh no! not that word... ;o) ), since we are conditioned to say yes to people in this society. i'll be cheering you on, if you don't mind. (and it looks like brienne has some budding talent, for sure.)

    Shawna's last blog post... thought splatter


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