Writing, Photography & Blogging

A week of rest

A week of rest

Stepping back helps me see I am way too absorbed in myself.

Under Pressure

Under Pressure

Writing is both a release and an invitation to possible disaster, like a flood that will carry me away into unknown territory.

A new camera (shifting the focus)

A new camera (shifting the focus)

I got a new camera this week. I have no time for camera talk right now, only time to share a few fall photos.

Instagram and Interest-led learning

Instagram and Interest-led learning

People, including children, learn what they "need to know" by doing things that interest and inspire them.

FIMBY on Facebook

FIMBY on Facebook

Facebook works for a lot of people. It's just taken me a while to figure out how to get Facebook to work for me.

Nikon D300 camera for sale

Nikon D300 camera for sale

In preparation for our hike next year we are selling my Nikon camera, fully loaded.

A twelve year old boy is a beautiful thing

A twelve year old boy is a beautiful thing

Dirty clothes, dirty feet and dirty fingernails. Mussed hair, toothy grin, and a sprinkle of freckles across the nose.