Writing, Photography & Blogging

I blog for relationship

I blog for relationship

Blogging has allowed me to live wherever and still make connections with people who share my values. It has allowed me to build community.

A comments test soap giveaway

A comments test soap giveaway

I need your help with something. And because I'm asking for your help I'd like there to be something in it for you. Time for a soap giveaway!

A week of winter inspiration

A week of winter inspiration

This week I want to flip back the pages of this family scrapbook and share with you thoughts about winter, family life, dreaming, and inspired living.

A Kickstarter launch to the New Year

A Kickstarter launch to the New Year

Saying yes to one thing often leads to another and so this is how I find myself, at the beginning of 2014, preparing not just to hike the Appalachian Trail in 84 days (yes, I'm counting) but launching a Kickstarter campaign with my husband to help fund the video series ...

I'm not selling you anything this season

I'm not selling you anything this season

Resistance might be futile but is the alternative any better?

The November Light

The November Light

The trees stand naked and the oranges of autumn are now sodden brown underfoot. Without the warmth of the leaves the light lacks fortitude. It feels watery and diffuse.

What I don't know

What I don't know

It's not that we're hermit cave dwelling folks. It's just that we can pick and choose what we want to know, and because of this I find myself relating less and less to mainstream media.