Monthly Archives Jan 2009

The purple bamboo eater

The purple bamboo eater

I'm not sure what put my children into the fantastical creature frenzy that we find ourselves in this week. Maybe it has something to with Celine's insatiable reading of all things fantasy. Or maybe it's because the kids have been watching BBC's Life of Mammals over the course of the ...

Ordinary Sparkling Moments

Ordinary Sparkling Moments

There's a whole lotta' sparkle in my life right now. Sunlight on snow, icicles hanging from the eaves, smiles on my kiddo's faces. I'm loving it. I'm also loving this book by Christine Mason Miller. I won it during December's month of daily giveaways over at Shutter Sisters. Nights that ...

John Updike and Children's Poetry

John Updike and Children's Poetry

John Updike, the great American writer, died this week. Just to show you how "literary" I am the only work of his I've ever read or even knew about is A Child's Calendar, a collection of Updike's poems illustrated by Trina Schart Hyman. Hyman is an amazing illustrator in her ...

Gluten Free Kinda, Sorta

Gluten Free Kinda, Sorta

We've been a largely gluten free household for a few years. A couple years ago we got a super-duper expensive bread machine that could make 100% whole wheat loaves. I was in bread making heaven. No more door stopper loaves from the oven. We started to eat a lot of ...

Handmade goodness

Handmade goodness

handmade goodness I've been ignoring this issue for sometime because let's face it, I'm lazy and don't want to write a letter, even if it is a form letter to my congress-person. Who is my congress-person?? For a politically non-active person like myself this is a big stretch. But then ...

It's all good ~ Chocolate Truffles

It's all good ~ Chocolate Truffles

We spent Saturday night with friends and during the visit our friend Myke asked me to start posting more recipes. So I told him, like a good friend would, fat chance. Although I have a Vegan Kitchen tag I rarely post recipes for a couple reasons. Most of our meals ...

Kiddo caricatures and portrait aspirations

Kiddo caricatures and portrait aspirations

This past week was winter carnival at the college where Damien works. The week is full of activities for the students, including concerts that start at 10:30pm. Who goes to concerts at 10:30pm?? College kids apparently. But one evening is open to the whole college community. A large gym is ...

Gardening in January

Gardening in January

Even in the dead of winter my garden is never far from my thoughts. But the smell of soil, dirty fingernails, aching back, gorgeous blossoms and sweet red berries are just a faint whisper during the snow hushed month of January. After last year's end of season confession I have ...

Setting the record straight

Setting the record straight

I've had my share of blogging insecurities when I read other people's blogs. Here's one especially that leaves me wondering "Oh my goodness! How does she ever have the time to do that!" And then I'll tack this on the end, "I must not be a very good_______ because I ...

Winter Reads

Winter Reads

Brienne sledding: when we're not winter reading we're having winter fun We're reading a lot of winter books these days. Books of poetry, historical fiction and non-fiction, fairy tales, and just fun, goofy stuff too. Here's four of our favorites this month with a collage and link to more reads ...

I love this face

I love this face

There's this new blog called I Heart faces (but with a cutesy heart instead of a the word heart - I have no idea how to type that). I'm entering this photo of Brienne in this week's contest. I love this photo and I love this face!

FIMBY Finds for a snowy week

FIMBY Finds for a snowy week

January milkweed: from the farm last week Lots of good stuff finding its way to my Google Reader these past couple weeks. Mama Speak: Last time round I was at a loss, this week it's too hard to choose so I'll post a couple. Firstly, I just read this post ...

A snowy Sunday

A snowy Sunday

I don't usually blog on our family day which is Saturday or Sunday depending on the weekend. Our day for outdoors and adventure. The day we focus on doing activity together. Today was that day but I couldn't help but share the photos from the day. Not because they'll mean ...

Seasons past, remembering

Seasons past, remembering

We got a new computer this week. Our apple laptop was over 4 years old [Damien's post publish edit: it was actually 6 years old][Renee's post publish edit: was it really that old? wow] and with my new found love for photography and RAW files that eat up huge amounts ...

The boy likes yarn

The boy likes yarn

Not surprising really since he wears his knitted-by-Nana toque all day, every day. At night he lays it next to his pillow. So sweet. Laurent's doll Ruby: you can't see the hat but it's there Even so, I was delighted with his comment yesterday as we drove by the local ...

Rich Moisturizing Lotion

Rich Moisturizing Lotion

I decided to make this lotion with richer oils than I usually use to give our skin extra protection and moisture for winter. I had planned to call it Green Goddess, there was so much green in it. The herb infused olive oil made this past summer with fresh garden ...

I earned my degree in Bed

I earned my degree in Bed

As in a Bachelors of Education silly, what were you thinking? I'm fairly certain I saw that title as a bumper sticker way back when in the Education faculty student's union office. Because I'm not sure how else I'd get an idea like that in my head *wink*. What does ...

Mama needs chocolate

Mama needs chocolate

My son was sick today. Thankfully it was over quickly, kids do that, but I still didn't want to venture out for our usual Tuesday afternoon errand run. Plus, I'll grab any excuse to delay errands, my least favorite home management task. So I didn't get out till after supper. ...

Seeking Winter Adventure

Seeking Winter Adventure

Wondering what kind of winter activity we can do that's cheap and gets us outdoors for a whole day together as a family.

Seeing Red

Seeing Red

Saturday morning we had brunch with friends, one of our unChurch gatherings. We came home early afternoon and I was antsy. The day was cold but the sun was shining. Since Damien was home and could manage the kids I took the opportunity to venture out in search of solitude ...

Play that fish song Mom

Play that fish song Mom

I'm not sure how my six year old got introduced this week to 70's Heart music. I'll blame it on my husband, he must of been singing a phrase or tune or something that piqued the kid's curiosity. I know I certainly wasn't the one who said "here, let me ...

How our family of five lives (happily) ever after with no dryer

How our family of five lives (happily) ever after with no dryer

The routine, tools, and reasons for why we do without a clothes dryer.

FIMBY Finds for early January

FIMBY Finds for early January

finding a view on a winter's hike Ok, here's some finds I want to share with you. Mama Speak: Hum... I'm drawing a blank on this one so let's just skip ahead shall we. Homeschool: Who knew? Apparently Soule Mama did and thanks to her post today I just found ...

My brother and niece

My brother and niece

I had so much fun taking photos of these two during our Christmas holiday with them. soft giggly silly flirty girly

Resolutions for a life (hopefully) well lived

Resolutions for a life (hopefully) well lived

The life I desire to live is not in some far away place (although the French Mediterranean does sound wonderful), it's in the here and now. And my goals, my New Year's "resolutions" are lived out in the simple and sometimes busy day-to-day. I can easily fall into the trap ...

The long way home

The long way home

Presently, the family arrived home, safe but tired, after a long journey from a distant land. During their time in that land there was much eating, drinking and merry making. Many laughs and much fun was to be had. As their time in the distant land drew to a close ...

Happy New Year

Happy New Year

I don't have many words to speak... I think it's almost Wordless Wednesday. What day is it anyway? I've lost track since we've been on holiday. I have nothing profound to say but I'm wishing you all a sparkly New Year full of hope and possibilities.