Creativity Part II

</br> My first post on this subject was about accepting myself as a creative individual. Now I'd like to turn the attention to my kids, which as you know are the most creative, brilliant and darn good looking kids around!

Seriously though they are very creative and I believe all kids are until its schooled out of them. By the way, homeschoolers can just as easily "school" the creative spark out of their children, this is not a post about why home education is better than schooling. is kind of about that because home education can allow SO much more freedom for child-led creativity.

Ok, I'm going to shut up now and direct you to an excellent (short) talk by Sir Ken Robinson. I'm not sure what's so special about this guy (how and why he's a sir) but his thoughts on creativity and education are thought provoking to say the least. Quite frankly, if you accept the current educational system as meeting the needs of our children he will rattle your brain. Not only that, he's really funny. I'd like to thank Lori, over at Just Pure Lovely for leading me to this video. I know I've seen it posted before on homeschool e-mail lists and the like, I just never watched it. I should have. You should too, like soon.

By the way, the only "creative" recent picture I had of my kids was Laurent painting garden stones this week. I'm really not trying to copy Lori's beautiful photos of her children painting.

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