July 22, 2013
Let's try something new shall we?
I love connecting with people, blog readers included. FIMBY readers have enriched my life so much. And the people I've managed to meet in person, because of this blog, (two more this summer!) have been the icing on the cake.
After a difficult season of feeling inept in my inability to create, market and support any new products, I've been doing some soul searching about the work I love doing and the work I don't love doing. I've been thinking about my strengths and weaknesses when it comes to online work and income earning avenues - product sales, services, advertising, and affiliates.
I'm tired of thinking "how can I monetize this and how can increase this and how can I market this", when what I really want is to just live true to who I am and what I value.
For many reasons, which I will explain in a different post, I am totally tapped out in the online entrepreneurial scene and I'm going through a personal revolt and rebellion against always trying to work against my natural inclinations.
I lost my confidence for a season and I'm finding it again by doing what comes naturally to me.
I would like to put aside the nagging question, "am I doing this right" and simply "do" what I love, without campaigns, launches, and "likes".
What do I love? Connecting with people, sharing beauty, encouraging and teaching, living and writing a good life story.
So that's the work I'm going to do right now. And that work might not earn us any money, and we're ok with that. (Again, more on that later).
Lucky you (smile) because I want to play around with some free stuff.
Truly free. Not free if you like, tweet, subscribe or whatever. I hate jumping through hoops and yet it's become the most commonplace thing on the web - free if you subscribe, free if you share, free if... (soul sucking free if you ask me). What happened to "free"?
Not free so you will spread my name far and wide, but free because I want to do something for you, no strings attached.
I love connecting with blog readers. FIMBY is my home on the internet, it's personal to me. And I get questions and comments about the stuff I write that I would love to spend more time responding to but I just can't. It's too time consuming to write all that. But talking... now that I have time for. Heck! I love to talk.
You can ask me questions about stuff and I will try to come up with thoughtful, intelligent, and kind responses. But I might also just speak off the cuff, in which case I will try to run it through the kind filter but I can't promise intelligence! But because it's free I don't have to worry about that. I'm bringing myself, just as I am. Will you bring yourself?
I have an idea in mind to try these internet chats once a month or so, depending on how this one works out. I have a few topics in mind:
Basically, if I've written about it and you've thought "hum, I'd like to pick Renee's brain about that", it's an idea on the table. And yes, I can even answer your questions about soapmaking.
But, let's get started with something I'm used to talking with you about - homeschooling.
This chat will be about homeschooling concerns and questions in general but I'd like to target it towards late elementary, middle school, and transition to high school years since I haven't offered anything for those ages yet.
However, the chat will really take on the flavor the group who registers and if the group wants to talk about early elementary then that's where I'll be.
These calls are different than my homeschool coaching in that I am not preparing in advance. When I coach someone I prepare and plan materials specifically for that family's needs. If you want intensive one-on-one help, my coaching service is more suited to that.
If you are interested in joining this first call please contact me. I will put your name on a list, in the order I hear from people. Then the week of the talk I will contact everyone and see who can attend and who can't (things come up) and the top five on the updated list will participate in the talk.
Clear as mud?
And the best part, you don't have to tweet, share or subscribe because I'm offering this to FIMBY readers, and you're already here!
I am so looking forward to connecting with you!
And now, I'm off to pack our picnic lunch because we're going berry picking and then to the beach for the afternoon.
This is such a wonderful idea. We are a homeschool family of three boys (17,12,7) and I totally get the whole transition to high school thing you have mentioned here on the blog. I was taken by surprise when my oldest was wanting "more"....so we branched out with some Classical Conversations classes, some online stuff (Veritas Press), and some free to us local community college math for him over the past couple years. It was very hard for me as the homeschool mama:) Definitely not what I had envisioned our homeschool to look like for him....and I do not know right now what the high school years will look like for our 12 year old when the time comes - could be very different.
We will be travelling during your chat but I am hoping I can catch one in the future. The topics your have chosen all sound great.
Sounds like your son's high school years are playing out fantastically well. Letting go of our expectations if half the battle, isn't it?
We're traveling as well AND I have two younger boys (7 and 4), the older of which is trying a nice, small charter school for the first time this year. Eek! (Though, we do plan to pull him back out after 5th grade). But, I'd love to chat about living family values and getting us outside. This year, I am ready to take the "camping" plunge, but this Florida, suburban girl isn't quite sure what to do or how to start. (Buy a tent...but which one?) :)
I'll keep my eyes out for those other chats. I enjoy your blog and your honesty. It often seems that we can't always find like-minded individuals - except through the blogsphere. Keep up the writing - we're here reading.
What a great idea. To bad we can't bring coockies and drink tea together.
I will be joining with great pleasure.
I was totally thinking the same thing - someone needs to bring iced tea and cookies!
Hi Renee,
What a great idea! I'm not sure I'm quite in the right place for the homeschool chat, but some of your other topics look intriguing. I hope this first one goes well and you'll continue! I'm looking forward to reading more of your thoughts about the drive to monetize everything and the frustrations with the soul sucking nature of it all. I think that would be very exhausting and hard to maintain... and the quid pro quo that seems to exist out there concerns me too. It seems like sometimes people end up promoting products that really aren't that great just to maintain and build connections so they can get their products promoted in turn.
On a totally different note, I wanted to let you know how much I've enjoyed reading your writing here on your blog. I only started reading when you posted about your AT plans (someone linked to it and I followed the link) but I've enjoyed reading since and poking through your archives when I have a moment. I used to do a fair amount of backpacking, camping and hiking and I loved it, but since having a family I've pulled back a lot. We still do some hiking and camping, but with a 11, 7, 5, and almost 2 yo (and I'm pregnant and due with baby #5 in Dec) it sometimes seems like more trouble than it is worth! I've often thought that I would get back to backpacking someday... but was thinking that was quite a way in the future. My husband has been taking the 11 and 7 yo out and they love it, but I didn't think it could be my time yet. Well, on Friday night I did my first overnighter in 9 1/2 years - 21 weeks pregnant, no less! I've been having a great second trimester and staying pretty active, so we decided to leave the 5 and 2 yo with my in-laws for the night and venture out. It certainly wasn't an epic trip by any stretch of the imagination, but it was a milestone for me and we all had a great time. My kids were so happy that I was there too!
Thanks again!
Welcome to FIMBY, I'm so happy you're here.
Your outdoors story is the opposite of mine! Damien coverted me to the outdoors, though I always loved nature in general and walking and general healthiness. I didn't start serious hiking and then backpacking till we were totin' 3 kids. It was a good way to "warm up". Because now, each month and year we do longer distances and I am finding my hiking legs along with my kids.
I think it's so fabulous that you went out with your 2 kiddos. A bit of creativity can solve a lot of problems, eh? Thank God for grandparents! I'm sure your two bigs were so happy to have you. Our kids just love being out in the woods all together.
Again welcome and thank you for commenting and reading (smile).
I'd love to be a part of your chat. I homeschool our 9 year old son who will be crossing back and forth between late elementary and early middle school this coming year. The middle school piece makes me particularly nervous ... and excited! Thanks Renee
You are a radical, true and true! I would love to participate, even if I just listen in.
Sarah M
I loved the tone of this post! As a reader, I think you can feel how intense or relaxed someone is generally speaking when they are posting. (Obviously when reading online nothing is completely obvious in terms of tone or intention.) This feels so relaxed and like you're at home. Love it.
My sons are still small (6 and 1) so I will skip your homeschool chat but I was homeschooled from 6-12th grade and know how it feels to transition to older grades as a homeschooler. It's both scary and awesome. Good luck with your chat!
Thank you Erin. I'm totally psyched that you can pick up on that tone because that's exactly where I'm at right now. After some difficult months of questioning, doubting and such uncertainty about myself and how I fit into this online writing world I feel this summer that I'm letting all that go and just being joyfully, unapologetically, unabashed me. Without the constant "am I enough" doubt, "am I doing this the right way" questioning. I feel comfortable to just relax into my self and for this season that means just doing whatever feels fun and enjoyable, not stretching and pushing so hard. Here's to summer!!
Add me to the list! I would love to participate!
Hi Renee - you have been on my mind recently as I was listening to a Seth Godin interview on www.therisetothetop.com and he was talking about this very thing - giving away what you do best because you are compelled to share. And I thought of you here at FIMBY because like Erin, I could sense when you were doing something because you thought you should, or it was good blogging practice for growin a business, versus when you were sharing because you simply wanted to. Please don't take that the wrong way either, because nothing you did was wrong, in fact, you were very gentle in your approach and there is nothing wrong with making money on a website. But in your case (and probably in mine, if I ever launch!) it is more about sharing with the world, and the money will come from opportunities created by sharing, not from clicks and affiliate sales. The world does need more of your authenticity Renee, so we your readers say "Bring it!"
Oh Lee, I don't take it wrong at all! In fact, I appreciate your insight and willingness to share it. You have seen then where I have faltered and where I have walked with confidence. I'm trying to find that confidence place again. Unfortunately, opportunities created by sharing are not large in my small niche. I don't have a mainstream life or message and I also don't have 5 step simple solutions for living. I have a "do the hard but beautiful work of living your values" message (among others!).
Moving forward from here Damien and I are going to try working more collaboratively at Toe Salad, which has an unapologetically income earning mission for our family. And something Damien is totally passionate about - the message and the income earning part. And part of finding my confidence again in doing the work I love is that in that space I can do what I enjoy doing - writing, photography and management and can avoid the work I don't love (marketing, social media buzzing, schmoozing and the like). And then here at FIMBY I intend to just do what I love also, which is exactly this. I will be sharing this more in a future post.
And just for the record I really love affiliate marketing and take advantage of that income source here at FIMBY. I love supporting the work of other people, products and services that fit with the message here. So, I continue to use affiliate marketing in the products I feel comfortable promoting at FIMBY, on the blog and in my newsletter.
And thanks for the link. I will check it out. I'm pretty sure my place is not at the top of anything and there is so much freedom in that. Yipee!!
Thanks for the feedback on affiliate marketing - I agree with you there also. I wanted to add that I've enjoyed your e-books because they also have your unique voice (and awesome salad dressing recipes).
Your comment about the top of anything made me laugh because I thought the same thing when I stumbled there looking for podcasts. Though making it to the top of the laundry pile wouldn't be so bad....
Too funny Lee and Erin both expressed what I was thinking also. My thought was after reading this "Yeah Renee is BACK!" I have been loving all of your post but this one Felt more like you.
Sign me up for the chat I would love to be apart of this.
Wow, Rana. I intend to be transparent but I didn't realize how transparent I have been in the past few months without even knowing! Too funny. You guys (girls) are the best. For reading through those struggles and sticking with me. I really appreciate it.
I see that this chat is full and I don't really have a child in the specific age group the chat targets but I would love to join in other future chats (particularly related to personal growth, be your own family, family plant-based eating...). I loved seeing evidence of our visit in some of the photos of this post:)
The post about you is still in the works. Hope to publish later this week or next (smile). Then this little blog community will be able to meet you in person. xo
Hi Renee,
I, too, have a hard time finding where the balance of loving my living vs. figuring out a way to earn a little from what i love to do without losing the "love". So hard!!! Mike and I talk about this a lot and have not come to any conclusion because there probably aren't any but I do believe that by being authentic and shining true through all we do - we will be rich beyond our imagination!
Love, Tonya
Forgot to say how much I would love to group skype - but we still have dial-up except when I am at the library twice a week - like right now:)
I'd love to join a chat on plant-based eating - getting (back) into that more, but looking for some more vegan stuff that first with the gluten-free, dairy-free place that Junior Eater is at. Vegan could fit well with that.
I'd also love to chat on some of the 'hard but good' personal growth stuff. I came across your blog from the Rhythm of the Home post you did some time back. I stayed - especially because of all the honesty about personal growth, and working through what challenges you. Not many people are prepared to be very honest in this way - it's refreshing, and inspiring.
Delighted that you are (re)discovering your groove even more! (And happy berry picking too, of course.)
Count me in for the upcoming chats! My future homeschooler isn't within the targeted age range for this homeschool chat. I am SO excited you're doing these. Time to learn about Skype!
If someone backs out of the chat and there is room for another, please let me know and I'll join!
Renee, I just like and appreciate you so much.
I would love to participate in a future chat, many of the topics you mentioned would be of interest to me :)
What a beautiful idea, Renee, and I can't wait to join you on a future chat! :)
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Amanda on July 22, 2013, 3:03 p.m.
Were we not going to be in Maine during that week, I'd gladly sign up! First longer trip for us in 9 years, and I'm very excited, except for all the work I have to do to get us there. It would so fun to chat with you about so many things, not sure I could choose! Enjoy the berry picking and beach. Great day for it!