What Remains

October has been stormy and wet. The days have been mostly grey. The gusts have blown the leaves from the trees and the rain has swollen the rivers and streams.

What remains now for color, stark against mostly naked branches, is yellow. Some leaves and the feathery needles of the tamarack.

I haven't lived in tamarack woods before. Evergreen needles that don't remain ever-green are new for me. 

There was one clear afternoon this week and I seized the chance to set aside my work and enjoy the woods. I do love the woods so very much. 

Green, grey, brown, red, orange and now yellow. What remains. 

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« He Cooks ~ He Shops
Season's Eatings »
  • Beth

    Beth on Oct. 22, 2012, 5:50 p.m.

    Beautiful pictures! It makes me homesick. When we lived in Montana we were surrounded by many Tamaracks. In the fall the mountains would turn to a beautiful yellow, dotted in among the true ever greens! Enjoy them.


  • Jennifer

    Jennifer on Oct. 24, 2012, 6 a.m.

    Lovely! We have tamaracks here in the Cascades; they live on the drier side of the mountains, and up high. We call them larches here. People go crazy in October going up to see them change colors. I took a hike myself, my first backpack since college years, a few weeks ago to see the fiery golden larches and the brilliant red huckleberries. Now they are buried under snow. Another year fading away. :)


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