Tis the season

Celine lighting advent candle

Well it's been a little busier around here than usual this week, I guess that's all part of the season. For the most part this month has been very enjoyable. Since we are not going anywhere or expecting family we can basically relax and not be too busy with preparations. Not that I would of minded preparing for family visiting! So, this month we have really enjoyed all the sights, sounds, smells and traditions of Christmas preparation. Then this week hit.

Finger lickin good

Monday was really the worst day and the rest of the week has calmed down. First thing in the morning I baked muffins so the kids would have a portable snack when we went to open gym with our homeschool group. After gym we spent 45 minutes at the post office mailing Christmas mail and packages. We stood in a line 10 deep, then had the wrong customs forms, then Brienne had to go pee (no bathroom at the post office of course - so a quick trip to the hotel lobby across the street). Finally we got out of there and it was already lunch time but we still had to get cookie ingredients before the afternoon. So, lunch was a grocery store bagel while we wandered the store getting white sugar & butter (stuff I don't usually have at home).

Back at home we made a double batch of Christmas sugar cookies for a cookie decorating party we were going to on Tuesday morning. Just as the last batch came out the oven we took off to Celine's dance class (her 2nd class - and she's loving it!). Then back home again, but wait... it was already 5:30 and no supper had been prepared. So, I left the kids at home with Damien and went again to the grocery store (I wasn't thinking about supper the first time around!) to buy pasta sauce, while Damien boiled water and cooked pasta at home. Finally around 6:30 I collapsed at the supper table with a well deserved glass of red wine.

Earlier this month I volunteered to help with our church Christmas Eve service. That is now coming back to haunt me. What we're planning is a brief reenactment of the Christmas story to an aucostically played worship song - nothing fancy but I still have to choreograph the movement, round up & organize about 20 children 10 & under, plan and coordinate 2 small rehearsals. Yesterday when we were talking about it I asked Brienne if she wanted to be an angel and she said yes and "I need to talk to Jesus to see if I could have real wings to fly".

So that is my latest project but thankfully everything else is done - the gifts, the decorating, the tree etc... Oh almost forgot we're trying to plan a vegan Christmas feast at our house Christmas day with a small group of friends. We'd love to do this as we've never hosted and prepared a feast like this before.

So, 10 days till Christmas. We're going to a living nativity this weekend and our first Hanakah party on Saturday. Damien has 3 staff parties between Friday and Monday. One of which I will join him for. Next week doesn't look too busy but I'll need to get ready for Christmas Eve at church and Christmas day at our house. Next Thursday Damien is coming home at lunch and then won't go back to work till Jan 2nd - yehaa! Can't wait to have all this family holiday time together.

« Contra dancing
Christmas in Maine »
  • Karen

    Karen on Dec. 16, 2005, 4:21 p.m.

    Oh this sounds like so much busy fun. If Jesus answers Brienne's prayer in providing the wings, then you could move from one place to the next a little faster! All your activities are things that are meaningful for your family - it's just a lot all jammed together right now. Enjoy - enjoy!


  • Amanda

    Amanda on Dec. 16, 2005, 10:07 p.m.

    Your week sounds like mine! This week for us also started really busy. On Monday we had to get 15 dozen cookies ready for tuesdays cookie exchange. I also had to get a craft ready for 15 woman to do. Then Tuesday came. The kids slept in....which is new for us. Which made me have to move faster to get everyone ready before our ride came to get us at 9:30. Then we got there and I forgot we where having potlock lunch after. But it all worked out.

    Then on Wed. the kids and I took a little brake, and went to play out in the snow. I shoveled the driveway while they made snow angels. It was a great -1 outside. Manitoba weather is not great weather. When it gets to be -20 here it is really about -35 with the windchill. But still it is good weather because once Jan/Feb come it can get to -40 something with the windchill. I feel sorry for Lauren at times because he often has to work outside in the cold. These last few days we have had so much snow!

    In the evening on Wed. we dragged the kids to busy, busy stores in the next town over. (Winkler) We needed to pick some gifts up for gatherings, Sunday school teachers and just some other little odds and ends. We also had to pick up a new kitchen sink. We bought a new dishwasher and it doesn't fit in where we would like it. So we have to replace the sink and tap. But the tap had to go...right Mom? ( The tap annoyed Mom when they were out here last)

    On thursday we went through all the kids toys, closets and other things. Every year before Christmas we get rid of things we don't need or use. I also cleaned the house big time. I tidy it every day but I really went at it on Thursday. So that way next week I won't have to do to much. Plus Harrison is finally over his big infection, so I disinfected everything also.

    Today I did laundry. It is an all day thing for me. My washer can only fit four adult size clothing in it. When you have a family of five it can take forever. The kids and I also have been watching movies this afternoon. Normally they all take a nap, but today we changed our plans. The only rule we had was that they had to be Christmas movies. Tonight Lauren and I our putting the kids to bed early and then just relaxing. We have movies to watch, presents to wrap and a game to play.

    Tomorrow we head to Steinbach for Laurens last lessons there and then go home after. On Sunday the kids have concert practice at 9:00 a.m. , then we head back to Steinbach for a gathering, then once again head home for the kids Christmas concert in the evening. Lots of Driving this weekend.

    What has everyone else been up to this week?


    • barbara

      barbara on Dec. 17, 2005, 8:45 a.m.

      Well, Dad and I had two Christmas Parties to attend, back to back, in Red Deer, so we decided to stay there overnight and spend the daytime doing the Christmas shopping and the nighttime, attending the parties. That worked out really well and we got most of the shopping done the first day (I love wish lists, they make shopping so-o-o easy.) The second day, since we had all the shopping done the first day, we went to an afternoon matinee movie and then we had a glass of wine in a classy bar in the hotel where the second Christmas party was happening. The parties were good, (turkey two days in a row!) and the second party had a good magic show.

      Then I worked for 4 nights (our life slows down to a crawl on these days). After my 4 work day shifts, we headed up to Edmonton for Dad's regular doctor check-up (everything is fine). Melanie came with us on this visit and patiently waited for two hours in the doctor's office. Then we had lunch and did some Christmas shopping in a couple of stores. We then headed home for supper with Kelly. After supper we headed over to Bansema's to drop Kelly and Dad off to watch a hockey game while Kelly's mom, Melanie and I drove to the Legislature Building uptown to listen to Denise (Craig's wife), sing in a large Christmas Choir and drink hot chocolate. The choir was excellent (I love listening to Christmas choirs). Then we went back to Bansema's for a cup of tea and a little visit and then back to Melanie and Kelly's. The next day we headed back to Rocky just in time for me to start my 4 day night shift again.

      Tomorrow, (day 2 of my work shift) we are attending a little Christmas party at the home where I work. We will go bowling, and then to the house for a sumptuous turkey dinner and a small staff gift exchange.

      When my 4 day shift is over, we head back to Edmonton again to spend the next 4 days visiting with Ed, and Denise, Melanie and Kelly and Zoltan and Becky, and, of course, baby Ja-ira. Then, it's back to Rocky to work (I work December 24, 25, 26, and 27th this year which is NOT FUN!) Becky and Zoltan and Ja-ira will be coming to visit us in Rocky after Christmas and we are not sure yet what we will be doing for New Years Eve, since I am not working that day.

      So that is our busy Christmas preparation and holidaying time. Not quite as busy as the young folks but busy enough for us, never-the-less.


    • becky

      becky on Dec. 17, 2005, 6:08 p.m.

      Well...tis the season, yet I find Christmas is not my first thought these last few days. It's actually DAYHOME! My phone has been ringing off the hook with interviews and potiential dayhome clients. We had one 'no-show' and one cancellation(much to our frustration), we did however have an interview last night which was more like a 'horror' movie, for Ja-ira anyways. The child was also 13months and upon arrival attacked Ja-ira three times, bitting, scratching and pinching her. When Ja-ira started bleeding we knew that this was defiently not best fit for Ja-ira! Let's just say it was odd behavior for a one year old, actually rather disturbing!

      Other eventful things..well we also went to the Leg. grounds last night to see the lights and the choirs sing. It was a children's choir and Ja-ira really enjoyed it! I spent Friday morning shopping with a friend, and am finally done the buying part(although I'd like to always do more!). It's been a fun time for me too, I have been sewing, sewing and sewing every evening this week.

      Cookie exchange last Sunday was a blast, I am already looking forward to next year....and the cookies have been so yummy and are quickly disappearing!

      Zoltan is now on holidays, today is the first of 16 days off. This morning we have been busy making more gifts and this afternoon he will go shopping for my gift while Ja-ira and I go to a 'Diving competition' at the Kinsmen.

      Wishing you all a great weekend! And I hope everyone's able to slow down and enjoy this week before Christmas!


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