This Past School Year's Curriculum

I'm at Simple Homeschool today talking the curriculum we used this past year during our big year of transition from interest-led elementary into the middle school years. This was just one of many transitions for our family this past year.

The interest-led learning journey is unique for each individual. This makes it difficult to write about for a broad audience. Oh well. I tried. Pretty hard actually. There's a ton of links and resources in that post. 

I have so much more to share about this year's homeschooling. Celine's transition to her scholar learning phase, our elementary groove (for the younger two), and the reality of what this school year has looked like vs. what I thought it would look like. 

All those ideas are still drafts and my days are too full right now to share more. Someday.

« A Song from the Suds
Ready, Set... May (& We're Going To Montreal) »
  • Rana

    Rana on May 1, 2012, 1:04 a.m.

    I enjoyed the post at Simple Homeschool and all the links. I know you are up to your eyeballs in getting ready to move and work in general. But if you do get some time I would love to hear your thoughts on what worked and didn't work for you all. I'm in the process of putting it all together for the twins for this upcoming year.


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