The Beach (Some Kid's Books Too)

I know we are days away, perhaps even hours (I don't know fall's official arrival - I'm in denial) from the start of autumn. But I'm not ready to let go of summer. 

There are berries still to pick, in fact we're headed out this morning as soon as I publish. There might even be one more afternoon warm enough for the beach. 

There certainly has been days warm enough for the beach this past month and we've taken advantage of that.

no worries, Brienne's lips are purple not from chill
but because she wears lipstick to the beach

Mind you, the kids will swim in really cold water. I won't go near it. I stay warm and dry on a beach chair wrapped in blanket and wind breaker. 

The beach is where I've done a lot of homeschool planning this year - loose leaf pages whipping about and sand lodged in book bindings. 

Our times at the beach have been wonderful hours, afternoons, and days of summer. I'm really not ready to let go. Not yet. 

I recently discovered some good Nova Scotia beach themed picture books at the local library. I know, most of you are reading books about pumpkins, squirrels, and leaves right now. Humor me.

And this great introduction to all things Nova Scotia:

I've read these at night to Brienne and Laurent (Celine has outgrown most picture book reading sessions) with a certain melancholy as we say good bye to our beach days and get ready to say goodbye to our summer spent with Nana & Papa.

« Three Kids One Bedroom (not littles either) ~ How We Do It
In the Middle Years ~ Our Homeschool Philosophy (Video) »
  • Cath

    Cath on Sept. 22, 2011, 1:52 p.m.

    Oh, we love Back to the Beach! There's also a nice compendium of Maritime poems (I thnk it's called Fishes in the Sea) that my littles love. (Of course, we pretend these books are all about PEI, even though we know better!).


  • Nadine

    Nadine on Sept. 22, 2011, 2:42 p.m.

    I am also not ready to let go of summer....and I don't have too..hehehe... the forecast is for around 27!!!...yes, beach here we come...toes in sand and hair in the wind...what a great way to start summer...oh right fall :))


  • kort

    kort on Sept. 22, 2011, 3:53 p.m.

    i love the image of having sand in the nooks and crannies of your planning pages...i wonder how many times in the deep winter a few grains will fall out and take you back to these last wonderful days of summer.

    peace keep you in these changing seasons.


  • kyndale

    kyndale on Sept. 22, 2011, 4:21 p.m.

    It's so pretty. I love the beach and wish that we could be closer. My MIL just came back from Newfoundland and said it was very nice. I know it's not so close to you but somewhat in the same area. We're going to see if there are any books on Nova Scotia in the library.

    By the way, I've learned that on my husbands side, we have many relatives that lived there. :)


  • Kerry

    Kerry on Sept. 22, 2011, 4:25 p.m.

    Love the idea of planning the year while the kids splash in the water. We just got back from the only trip we were able to make to one of our Lake MI beaches this year. You better believe we were holding on to the last bits of summer, but boy was that water cold.

    I'm curious what sorts of things you've added this year for your oldest. Mine's 10 almost 11 and I've seen the same sorts of changes in her as you mention in your daughter and would love some ideas.


    • renee

      renee on Sept. 22, 2011, 5:48 p.m.

      What we're doing homeschool wise will be coming to FIMBY very soon. Tomorrow's video post in fact will kick it all off. Stay tuned.


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