so NOT figured out

I'm in a week of parenting struggles while at the same time trying to balance all the priorities & expectations of the New Year. I feel like I really DON'T have parenting, homeschooling and home management figured out. Some days I do but not this week....

In December I purposefully set aside many tasks for the New Year while we focused on relaxing and celebrating. It was easy to let the kid's behavior slide during that "off" time. Now I'm picking up those undone & to-be-done projects; trying to find time in my day to meet the needs of others and myself. At the same time dealing with the post Christmas child behavior. Hum... funny how writing that out helped me make sense of a lot of my frustration of the week.

On a positive note, the days are visibly longer, the weather has been warm and tomorrow is Friday! (Hard to believe the "angel" photographed above is the cause of so much frustration).

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