Salsa & Starbucks & a long update

So, life has been going well here. We're slowly getting into a fall schedule. The weather has been more fall like this past week so I think our beach days are finally over.

This past week's projects have been pickling and canning produce and transplanting in my flower garden. After receiving an abundance of cucumbers from the farm this week I was motivated to do some pickling - the easy way. I made refriderator pickles for the first time. They have been a hit. They are very tasty and very easy to make. Then a couple nights ago I had this epiphany in bed - the time had come to make salsa. I've been inspired by Amanda's canning efforts. Also the farm stands are bursting with tomatos, peppers and all manner of fresh produce. So, this week I bought pounds of locally grown tomatoes and a bunch of peppers. Then this weekend I blanched, peeled, chopped, seeded etc... finally getting to the actual canning part tonight. It was a lot of work (no wonder I haven't made it before) but I'm pleased with the results.

When I wasn't busy in the kitchen this week I was outside transplanting. My daylilies were taking over a section of the garden so I planned to simply divide them up and I ended up rearranging the whole flower bed. On Friday I finally invested in a heavy duty long handled spade and did I ever put it to work. I moved the peonies, dug up the lilies and replanted them around the garden, divided glads (I think - they never bloomed this year), removed old stumps, did a major removal of invasive goutweed/bishop's weed (anyone out there know the real name?) and finally transplanted hostas from my friend's yard. Whew - I'm glad that's done.

In the middle of all this Damien and I had a little date at Starbucks. They just opened here on Friday and now we actually have a place to go out other than Dunkin Donuts and Tim Hortons. So, last night we left the kids for an hour at our homeschooling/farm buddies/babysitter's house and indulged in expensive coffee. We had the pumpkin spice lattes - yummy - I love the fall flavors and smells. The outing was nice but I have to say that this Starbucks (maybe all - I haven't been to another lately) lacks a certain cosyness. It was fun nonetheless to get out for awhile and drink good coffee.

This is what the next weeks and month look like:

School stuff on the agenda includes the start of open gym with our homeschool group (this week), apple picking, a trip to the state museum to for Bugs Maine-ia (a bug show), a trip to the water treatment plant (Laurent wants to know what happens to the water we flush etc..), trips to the library and a couple concerts. Celine will be taking a riding lesson soon (horse riding that is) to see if that is something she is interested in pursuing. She is just so "into" horses, has been for a couple years already. We are also starting to learn French using the BBC Muzzy tapes, mommy included.

This week our church small groups start meeting again. I lead worship for our small group so I need to get my guitar out again and start preparing.

Damien starts his new job in one week and we'll go through some schedule transitions then.... just in time for Damien's parent's visit in early October.

That's our life right now. Enjoying this season to the fullest.

« The start of school... the end of summer??
The first week of Fall »
  • Amanda

    Amanda on Sept. 19, 2005, 2:23 p.m.

    I am happy to hear you took the plunge and tried canning. It must have been a long process with making the salsa. I have never made it that way because the recipes always make it seem to long and hard. It sounds like you have some exciting things planned for fall. Celine will love the horses. I know Haylee does also. Keep letting us know what you are up to...We love hearing about all the interesting things your doing.


    • renee

      renee on Sept. 19, 2005, 4 p.m.

      Amanda, you said you never made it that way - do you make it another way??


      • Amanda

        Amanda on Sept. 19, 2005, 5:50 p.m.

        When I make my salsa I just wash all the tomatoes. I chop them all up to how we like them. Then I chop green peppers, onions and garlic. I add vineger and a few other things. Then I boil it for awhile. Then I process in my canner. It takes about two hours give or take.
        What are you doing with your apples?


        • barbara

          barbara on Sept. 22, 2005, 8:19 a.m.

          I know you have probably never had this, but I tried it, and it works. Instead of making applesauce all the time, I peel and cut the apples up the same way that you can peaches and process them in the same way. It makes canned apples a little more interesting and they seem to taste a little different than applesauce because the texture is way different.


          • Amanda

            Amanda on Sept. 22, 2005, 1:02 p.m.

            My Mom used to always can crab and baking apples. I hope to get some from there trees yet to do some canning and making applesauce.


            • renee

              renee on Sept. 29, 2005, 3:14 p.m.

              Thanks for all the apples ideas everyone. I have a 1/2 bushel I'm going to deal with soon. I was given a pampered chef apple peeler/corer through a local freecycle group I belong to. I plan to freeze some for making apple crisp later. (I don't bake pies - need my mom to visit to do that). The rest I guess I'll make into apple sauce which I use all year for baking (the little that I do).


  • Karen

    Karen on Sept. 20, 2005, 3:45 p.m.

    I haven't enough ripe tomatoes yet to make salsa but that will happen quickly now that I've picked them off the vines. I've made salsa by both blanching and peeling the tomatoes (never have worried about the seeds) and the other way (when Dad's helped me and said he didn't care about the bits of skin in it). I like to add lots of stuff in mine besides onions and a variety of hot and mild peppers: crushed coriander, plenty of garlic, oregano, vinegars, little sugar, etc. It would be fun if the three of us salsa girls (and not dancers, either!) could get together with a bag of nachos and have a fun tasting night. You're right about Starbucks - they're not as cosy as Second Cup. Maybe one will open in Lewiston! Enjoy a cuppa Pumpkin Spice for me.


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