Living In Vacation Land

Today was a beautiful Maine summer day - perhaps a bit too humid but I'm not complaining. After church we went over to our friends who have a pool and spent the afternoon swimming, eating, hanging out. Then tonight we took the kids to VBS at our church. This was fun. I'm leading the worship - teaching the kids new songs and actions etc. Celine and Laurent participated, Brienne's too little, and really enjoyed it. This was new for them as they arent' a part of Sunday school as we like to participate in church together as a family.

Growing up the only time we swam in outdoor pools, lakes & oceans was on vacation or some special trip. It wasn't a weekly occurence. So everytime we go swimming here - which is weekly and sometime a couple times a week I feel like I'm on vacation. How great is that! Maybe I'll get used to it. Our kids will just growing up thinking this is normal. Around here lots of people have pools - either in or above ground. They get used lots during the hot & humid summers so they are common. Either way, I'm just so happy to be living in vacation land (what Maine is called in the Northeastern US).

The swimming lessons this winter paid off. Celine and Laurent are much more confident in the water this summer than last summer. Laurent was jumping off the pool ladder into the water (with his life jacket on). The water went right over his head and he came up spluttering and gasping but ready to do it again. This is a huge improvement over last summer when Laurent wouldn't even let go of the ladder railing, never getting his head wet.

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  • Rachel Himes

    Rachel Himes on Sept. 23, 2012, 5:30 p.m.

    Just started reading through your "older" posts today. Even though I was only half-joking when I said I found my "soul sister" - I just saw that you were leading worship. That is also something that I do. In fact, I played guitar and led the songs this morning. I absolutely love it.


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