Farm Appreciation

I love being an urban family, with a 5 minute walk to work for Daddy, yet 15 minutes from real, honest-to-goodness farms. The kind with horses, cows, chickens, llamas, organic vegetables, pastures and occasionally pea fowl. Not gazillion acre soybean or corn "operations". I love Maine. ​

This morning Celine started riding lessons at Claybrook Farms in Turner. A horsey kind of farm that also happens to home to about 30 pea fowl - too cool.

On the way home we stopped at Nezinscot Farm for fresh cinnamon buns. While we were eating, out in the sunshine by the vegetable gardens Celine said, "I feel so lucky that you're my parents". Fishing for further compliments I asked why she felt that way. "Well, we don't have to go to school and you feed us so healthy", (cinnamon buns notwithstanding). Thanks Celine, it's nice to be appreciated once in awhile.

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« Camping at Camden Hills State Park
Peafowl Art »

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