Community & 30 Day Vegan (with a good deal for you)

I've been talking about my mission now for the past month. In my first post I explained that part of my motivation for writing a personal mission statement was because of the work I am starting to do beyond mothering - freelance writing, coaching, an e-book, etc.

I wanted a mission statement to use as a "measurement tool". So I could evaluate each opportunity that comes my way, to make sure I'm investing my time, resources, heart, head and hands into the work that is going to most sustain me, inspire me, contribute to our family, and fulfill God’s unique mission for my life.

I also needed a mission statement to help me with the insecurities I feel in this world of online entrepreneurship.

I know you're getting tired of hearing about my insecurities, me too! And if you're wondering what this has to do with 30 Day Vegan, hang tight, I'm getting there.

One of the things that came out of the soul-searching time of defining my mission is that I realized I needed to build a supportive community around my online work. To create an environment that would help me feel safe as I moved beyond the comfort of home.

I needed community. Specifically, a community of women that supported my work, believed in me and wanted to see me succeed.

I am willing to give that also, indeed I'm naturally drawn to encourage and support causes and people I believe in (aren't we all?). And so I've been slowly interacting with and contributing to an online group of women. This isn't a formal arrangement, it's relationships, and I don't think they even know the role they play in my life!

This has been a wonderful thing for me. Different from supporting my neighbor down the street but just as necessary for me in the kind of work I want to do in the world. Community is really important to me - in my real life and in my online life.

Heather is one of these women, part of my community. Heather and I have never met in person, though I keep scheming how I might swing that one of these days.

Heather was one of the first people (out there, in the online world) who said to me, "I love your work, I acknowledge that you have something to offer, can you contribute to the work I'm doing? (And, I'll pay you for it.)"

Heather saw potential in me where I hadn't. We all need someone like that in our lives.

That was the start of what has been a most lovely working relationship. A relationship based on shared values, trust and quality work.

Heather offers her knowledge to us all in her fabulous health courses, full of her signature style of gentle wisdom (I have a crush on her gentle wisdom) but packed full of life changing knowledge and hands-on applicable content. Ie: great recipes!

Heather's work is unique in that it's both full of great content and beautiful. And for a beauty seeker like myself, participating in her courses is a double dose of goodness. Knowledge and beauty. Ah...

You can see why I love working with her so much. This kind of work speaks my language. Not to mention she gives me creative freedom - something else hugely important to me.

I swear I feel good all over just talking about it!

I have been a participant in all of Heather's health courses to date. I have contributed writing and even one video to most of them also. She offers the world something I feel passionate about - instruction and inspiration for healthy living. Her work aligns with my personal mission and partnering with her is very gratifying for me.

If I could offer a health related e-course it would look a lot like 30 Day Vegan but of course without all of Heather's wonderfulness, which is why I'm happy that she's doing it and not me!

Heather is offering another 30 Day Vegan course this spring. And I'm thrilled to be contributing again.

You can read all the details here about this season's course.

In the course description Heather gives a short list of why you should consider joining 30 Day Vegan. Included on that list is this:

Because it feels good to be around kind, supportive, like-minded people on a similar journey.

Ah yes. I does feel good. Real good.

It feels good the way clean eating, mindful living, and taking care of yourself feels good.

Ready to feel good again? Do come join us.

Heather is offering a discount ($5 off the registration cost) to FIMBY readers. To take advantage of this deal use the code fimby2012 when you checkout.

I hope to see you over there. The course starts May 21st, in one week, and the discount code will expire at that time.

« My Season of Green
Becoming »
  • Halina

    Halina on May 14, 2012, 2:15 p.m.

    Thank you Renee and Heather! The online course sounds very interesting!! And good luck with your growing online adventure Renee! Beautiful blog...I just downloaded your e-book. Can't wait to read it!


    • renee

      renee on May 14, 2012, 2:35 p.m.

      Thank you Halina! If you're interested in vegan eating, even just for a trial, I highly recommend Heather's work (and I don't get paid or get a commission for that recommend, just my enthusiastic endorsement of something I really value).


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous on May 14, 2012, 11:12 p.m.

    Oh wow! Thank you both! I am going to hop on over there and sign up. I guess I was just waiting for a little nudge. $5 will do it!


  • Natacha

    Natacha on May 15, 2012, 11:36 a.m.

    I signed up already. I am really looking forward to your contribution!

    Natacha (blogging from Luxembourg)


    • renee

      renee on May 15, 2012, noon

      Natacha, welcome from Luxembourg. Does this mean you speak 3 languages or something like that? I remember learning about Luxenbourg (oh, the way that rolls off the tongue) in school and if I recall there was a lot of official languages or maybe that's Switzerland, or Europe in general? I'm learning French with the aim of speaking 2 languages. Of course compared to most Europeans and some African countries (and other places no doubt) this is nothing... Oh, I'm a little verbose this morning. Anything to put off that writing deadline! Welcome. Glad to have you here. 


  • Natacha

    Natacha on May 15, 2012, 4:18 p.m.

    Well, yes we do speak several languages. Children start to learn German in primary school/1st grade, French (which is the official language in Luxembourg) in 2nd grade,and English in high school. And because I am from Holland originally, we all speak Dutch, however I am the only one who can actually write it. My husband and children learned from listening, but never had the chance to learn to write it. And then there is the Luxembourgish language. It is sort of a dialect, but it is an official language. It is the language the people speak at home. Whenever I tell people about all the languages, their mouths drop open, but it is really quite common in this country to switch from one language to another all the time. I still speak German with my husband, because that is the language we spoke when we met, Luxembourgish with my two oldest sons and as much Dutch as possible with our two adopted kids. This sounds kind of strange doesn't it!? So, no homeschooling here :-))

    By the way, I LOVE your blog. You are such an inspiration!


  • Emily

    Emily on May 15, 2012, 6:51 p.m.

    Even if we hadn't met, I'd still feel you were part of my community. Grateful you are part of my life.


    P.S. Today's poem and photos were especially beautiful to me, Renee.


  • Teri

    Teri on May 15, 2012, 10:33 p.m.

    Renee - thank you so much for this gift. I participated in Heather's last 30 Day Vegan course and just finished up her wonderful Whole Foods Workshop. Both were so wonderful and I had decided that perhaps I would not do 30 Day Vegan again (assuming much of the material would be a re-hash for me). However, I was kind of bummed not to be participating. Well, let's just say your sweet gift to us of a discount was like a sign saying "Sign up, girl!!!" So I did. Really, I can't get enough of Heather and her "gentle wisdom" you refer to (so true!) I also love everything you contribute, Renee. Who can turn this down? THank you again.


  • Marianne

    Marianne on May 17, 2012, 12:45 a.m.

    Your post and the 30 Day Vegan came at a perfect time for me. We used to be Vegan and have drifted away from it. I have been weighing the effort (we have 6 kids - a LOT of chopping and blending) against the gains of more energy and clear thinking that I have when eating Vegan. I signed up and am looking forward to the gentle guidance and community to help me go for it. Thanks and yes, I love your blog too!


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