Celine's Miracle

Last Wednesday Celine went to her friend's birthday party. Brienne, Laurent & I picked her up after 2 hours of "girly" fun. Celine came home with a goodie bag of candies, confetti and little toy trinkets collected after breaking the pinata. Brienne and Laurent were also graciously given goodies bags with a couple pieces of candy and trinkets.

Thursday morning at breakfast I emptied Celine's goodie bag and we talked about the fact that she had received many toys whereas her brother and sister had only a couple each. Additionally, she had a lot of candy and they had little. I explained that she was not obligated to share with them but it would be kind to do so, seeing as she had fistfuls of little toys and candy. Celine, out of her own generosity, gave both Brienne and Laurent 2 pieces of candy (from her 10) and one spinning top each. She had 4 to start with and they had none. Celine did this willingly as I wasn't going to make her share (I'm honestly not sure what I would of done if she chose not to share?!)

Later in the day Celine, quite amazed at what she just discovered in her party goodie bag, found me in the kitchen. "Mommy, look I have 3 more tops in my bag". Very intrigued I stopped what I was doing (preparing the umpteenth meal/snack this week) and counted for myself. Sure enough, there were 3 extra tops in her bag that had not been there when we came home from the party and were not there at breakfast when we emptied the bag. They were a different color than the ones she had given Laurent and Brienne but we checked to see that they still had their's - and they did. So, Wednesday afternoon Celine came home with 4 tops and Thursday afternoon we have a total of 7 in the house (we didn't have any of these toys prior to the party).

What a wonderful faith builder for a young girl's heart! What a wonderful faith builder for an older, more skeptical mommy's heart! I admit I looked closely at the tops, hoping for a confirmation that said "love God", instead I only found "Made in China". Inspite of my skepticism we have no other way to explain this miracle other than God choose to show Himself very real to our daughter and our whole family. Sure, I believe Jesus fed thousands with just a few fish and loaves and that he raised Lazarus from the dead, healed countless others. So, why am I filled with disbelief that he could multiply a few plastic tops? In the end, the facts remain. Where there were 2 (after sharing with her brother and sister), there are now mysteriously 5. But more than 5 tops, there is a deposit of faith in the trusting hearts of our children, who have very tangible evidence that God loves and provides for them.

« Bye, bye diapers!
Valentines »
  • renee

    renee on Feb. 16, 2005, 9:03 a.m.

    I am thrilled to hear about Celine's miracle. I had a similar experience that I now have to share with you. I call this miracle "God's Kitten" and I live my life by the knowledge I gained from it. So here is my story.


    Years ago, when we still had children living at home, we had two beautiful white Siamese cats, one male, and one female... and.... you guessed it... every six months....beautiful pure white ....kittens! Samantha, the mother cat, used to get nervous when the children picked up her kittens too early after they were born, and so she would "hide them" in different places in the house. She hid them in a dresser drawer, in a suitcase in the storage room, under someone's bed, behind the couch etc. It was a game and a challenge to find them and put them back in the wicker basket where they were supposed to live.

    One morning, after all the kids left for school on the school bus and Husband went to work, I peeked in the wicker basket to have a look at her day-old kittens and, sure enough, the basket was EMPTY! The kids must have picked them up too early again and Samantha hid them somewhere. Well this time they were not too hard too find, she had taken them to a small space between a big, heavy, old daybed couch and the wall, in the study, a space about 1 foot wide and hard to reach (of course, that was her plan!)

    So after dragging the reluctant mother cat out of there, I reached in and pulled out 5 tiny white balls of fur (kittens, of course!). But there was one missing, because I knew that she had 6 kittens... I could hear a muffled little kitten cry coming from under the big old couch. I tried to reach under to see if I could find it by touch, and had no luck. I knew, I couldn't move the couch without endangering the kitten since I didn't know where it was, exactly, and the couch was too heavy. (It takes 4 men to move it, it's so heavy with the folding bed in there). Now I was very close to tears! I felt frustrated and helpless and I knew a day old kitten wouldn't live too long without milk from the mother cat. Without even thinking about it, I said, "God Help Me, I don't know what to do!!!" I glanced down at the couch where Samantha and the other kittens had lain and saw a white circle of light half under the couch. I just KNEW that if I put my hand in that exact spot, the kitten would be there! I reached under the couch at the spot of the light, and the KITTEN WAS THERE! I pulled it out, totally amazed, (the light disappeared), and quickly put the kitten in the basket with the mother cat and the other kittens. Minutes later, I wondered if I shouldn't have marked that kitten with a felt marker or something to mark it as "God's Kitten", the one that God saved. But it was too late, because they all looked exactly the same. So I knew there was one special kitten in there that belonged to God, but I didn't know which one it was.

    Two months later we took the kittens to the local auction and sold them for $15.00/kitten and people were buying them up fast some people even bought two at a time. But one kitten didn't sell.(This often happens and we just go back the next week and try again.) Well, we were on our way to the auction, the next week, Zoltan and I, and he said, "Look Mom, my friend Mark is having a garage sale to raise money to go with the church youth group to Thailand, to raise awareness in our youth group about 3rd world countries and to bring the word of God there." So we stopped to chat with Mark and I thought, why not donate the kitten to the garage sale cause. How appropriate to give "God's Kitten" to a cause that would spread "God's Word"! The kitten sold very quickly for $25 and the money went towards Mark's trip to Thailand.

    After that, I vowed that out of every litter, there would be one kitten that we would give away and I would let God choose who the kitten would go to. Out of every litter there would be a "God's Kitten". And God never disappointed me, as there was always a special reason to give one kitten to a very special person. And I always felt deep in my heart, that God chose the person, not me. I always felt a deep sense of excitement because I never knew who the next person would be, but I always felt very close to God when it was time to give that last kitten in a litter away.

    Well, the time came when there were no more kittens and then I had nothing to give away any more. I felt at a loss. I knew I had a need to give SOMETHING, a "God's Kitten," to keep this special close relationship with God that I felt I had. It was then that I realized God's message to me. If you have a gift from God that is precious and wonderful, share it! That is "God's Kitten". If you have strength, share it with someone who doesn't, if you have money, share it with someone who doesn't, if you have time, love, a story, joy, in fact anything that is a precious gift from God, share it with someone who doesn't. God will make sure that you have enough for yourself, in fact, more than enough (like Celine's tops) so don't think you will ever run out of your gift because you never will....and that is how I live my life.

    Love MOM


    • renee

      renee on Feb. 17, 2005, 2:45 p.m.

      Wow, mom thank you for sharing this story with our family! I think I remember you telling me this before but I had forgotten. I am printing it so the kids can read this story as they grow older. What a wonderful illustration that we will never run out of the gift that God has given us to share.


  • renee

    renee on Feb. 22, 2005, 4:53 p.m.

    These have both been wonderful stories - best because they're true and that they've been shared. Renee, Celine's miracle is the kind that could be included in a collection -anthology like the Chicken Soup Series.If you're interested, I'll keep my eyes open in the stuff that comes across my list-serves.


  • renee

    renee on Feb. 27, 2005, 1:44 a.m.

    Renee, what an amazing occurence!!!! I got chills reading about the abundance of "tops"!! :))))

    What a GREAT blessing and testimony!!!


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