Celine update

So, this is what Celine is up to these days...

*Learning to read. Daddy is teaching her using Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons. She really enjoys this daily one on one time with Daddy. The lessons are about 20 minutes long.

*Considering future careers. Celine recently learned how sew buttons, upon mastering this skill she declared she wants to be a "button sewer" when she grows up. She quickly added that she's wants to be a hair dresser too. This coming from the girl who never wants her hair combed!

*Playing with horses. Our kids are very interested in all animals but Celine has shown a recent keen interest in horses. So, we've been reading horse books, coloring horse pictures and pretending to be horses. Next week we are visiting a local stable to groom a horse and see the environment they live in.

*Keeping us amused. A couple days ago the weather was particularly chilly. We went to the park and walking home Celine declared "I can't bear it" with regards to the chill. I guess we're in for a long winter!

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