Spiritual Discipline & Contemplative Practices

Presence in pain

Presence in pain

This is how we hold the beauty and the pain, by learning to bear afflictions with one another. We incarnate the love of God in being with one another. God is known to the other in each other when we give something of ourselves - our time, resources, skills, and agenda. And when we accept what others give.

What does it all mean?

What does it all mean?

The joy and the pain of being human are bound together like a knotted cord, and what gives meaning to that twisted reality is that we all share it. This is everyone's truth. This is a shared experience.

The warmth of May

The warmth of May

Spring re-orients our linear experience of life (birth, growth, death) to the circular rhythm of the natural world. And in spring I'm reminded that I'm smack dab in the middle of the growing time, a season of life bursting at the seams with creativity and activity.

Filling the infinite

Filling the infinite

We don't like the tension, the not-enoughness, the deficiencies, the complexity, the infinite edge of uncertainty, etc. but those are the very catalysts for moving us towards the thing we seek, even if it's never fully realized.

The losses we reckon with

The losses we reckon with

Not going to my grandma's funeral was painful. It was a loss to not be with my family during the remembering and celebrating of Grandma's life. Feeling shame, second-guessing my every decision, running down all "what if?" trails of my life doesn't help matters.

When all the hype feels meaningless (and other New Year's reflections)

When all the hype feels meaningless (and other New Year's reflections)

This time of year is full of people reflecting, planning, resolving and attempting to change their lives for the better. Oh my gracious do I ever understand the motivation. There are some things in my life that absolutely have to change.

An early September update

An early September update

Coming home from our big road trip has been like a re-set on our life. This is a newsy update about organizing, deep cleaning and de-cluttering, new routines and dietary changes, personal boundaries with internet engagement, the power of meditation, working and homeschool.