
Friends with a Farm

Friends with a Farm

Last weekend we went to visit our friends who have a small sheep farm. They live on the very tip of the Gaspé peninsula. The ocean is across the road from their home. Want to know how we met this family? FIMBY. I love FIMBY for this very reason; I ...

My Farm Fill

My Farm Fill

I got my farm fill this week. But better yet, we met two more families and are making more friends. Small scale, organic growing farm families are inspiring people to be around. They're not afraid of hard work. They usually have a lot of passion for what they do. And ...

Farm Share on The Bay

Farm Share on The Bay

In yesterday's post I promised more photos of our farm pick up on the bay. We live on a big peninsula, a fat thumb that sticks out into the Gulf of St. Lawrence. On one side of the peninsula is the St. Lawrence River (Fleuve Saint-Laurent) and on the other ...

Fall Farms

Fall Farms

Now that the growing season is over we have said goodbye to our weekly farm visit. It's always bitter sweet to be done the summer share pick ups. We've been there every week (except for vacations) this summer since late May. But in the end I am thankful for the ...

Flowers at the Farm

Flowers at the Farm

This has been an incredibly difficult week for me. And to add insult to injury I can't talk too much about it here and that's hard. I like writing out my angst. You should see the scrawl in my journals these days. I briefly considered not taking my camera to ...

Blueberry picking

Blueberry picking

The berries this summer are all mixed up. Actually, not true, everything is just really early. Strawberries in June. Raspberries done by the middle of July. And now this. Blueberries picked out by the first week in August. First week in August? Finding blueberries has proven difficult this summer. Apparently ...

A Vegan Summer CSA Menu Plan

A Vegan Summer CSA Menu Plan

I never know from week to week exactly what vegetables will be included in our weekly share. This summer I made menu prep (from a seasonal csa share) easier by creating a set menu plan each week that I just "plug" the vegetables into.