Appalachian Trail

More than a fuzzy feeling

More than a fuzzy feeling

I am extremely gratified at the character traits I see in my children. Determination, tenacity, long suffering, responsibility, sacrifice, kindness. Equally though and perhaps more importantly, I am thrilled that hope is the fruit of that character growth.

First things first

First things first

I am soaking in our safe return to the peninsula and our good fortune to live in this home right now. I am reveling in everyone under one roof again.

The road to Millinocket

The road to Millinocket

Only four more days, given or take one, of this adventure, where the road to Millinocket is nearly the road home.

Last weekend off trail

Last weekend off trail

This weekend was our last hoorah with the thru-hiker friends who have become so dear to us. We have cried together, we have walked hundreds of miles together, we have laughed - a lot, we have prayed together, we have seen each other at our best and our worst. We ...

There's this too

There's this too

Yes, my heart aches each day with my family in the woods, a separation unexpected and difficult. But there's this too. An unexpected rejuvenation for me, having time to do my own things, on my own schedule and at my own pace.

This year especially so

This year especially so

This September, supporting my family as they finish their thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail, feels like my most melancholy late summer.

Off trail

Off trail

Even with my grief I am stronger emotionally than I have been for a long time. I'm finally on solid-ish ground instead of the constant shifting reality of long distance hiking.