Artist-In-Residence Tutorial

Two of our resident artists have posted tutorials to their blogs. Both are step by step drawings of "how to draw a motorcycle". Of course you should check it out because these instructions are simply amazing smile.

My five year old's instructions are more suited to the ability level of artists like myself (I can't draw to save my life). Her brother's instructions will cater to those more gifted in graphic arts. Either way, they've got you covered.

All three of our children occasionally write something of importance to them and they are posted here at Kids Blog.

Blogging, the new language arts curriculum.

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  • Karen

    Karen on Nov. 13, 2008, 8:44 p.m.

    To the Three Tougas Kids: Brienne and Laurent, your drawings and instructions are very detailed and clear to follow. I'm interested to know if there's a special reason why you chose to draw motorcycles? Celine - the poem you co-wrote is so amusing! I always admire anyone who can write poetry. Love you all lots - keep posting your creative expressions. Nana


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