Monthly Archives Mar 2019

Winter is my country (but then there's March) ~ Part two

Winter is my country (but then there's March) ~ Part two

By the end of February I was feeling a whole lotta cranky. And then it came to me, while I was out in the woods for Laurent's birthday. I needed a solo backcountry ski trip in March.

Winter is my country (but then there's March) ~ Part one

Winter is my country (but then there's March) ~ Part one

I love the rolling mountain winter landscapes of Quebec, the ski hills and all the snow. I haven't had a strong sense of "home" as a place since leaving Alberta as a twenty-three year old wife and new mom, but winter mountains come close.

A vegan teen (and other interest-led learning wins)

A vegan teen (and other interest-led learning wins)

A video interview of Brienne and my mom, Karen Toews, about her vegan diet. Brienne explains why she's vegan and how she maintains a vegan diet in and un-vegan world.

The rewards of parenting in young adulthood (a birthday in the woods)

The rewards of parenting in young adulthood (a birthday in the woods)

I feel grief about these years being nearly over, all that time spent together, the beautiful mundane punctuated by exciting adventures, the whole thing steeped in love. I feel so busy trying to keep up with it all that I'm afraid I'm missing it, even while living it, even while I'm wishing it was done!

A refuge in the Laurentians

A refuge in the Laurentians

This sense of possibility, this large swath of low-rise mountains just to our north full of trails that go over over peaks and through valleys, by lakes, rivers and waterfalls, with places to stay along the way (summer camping and winter cabins) has infused me with a sense of hope that I might be able to call southern Quebec home for the next decade of my life, maybe longer.

Lighting Design, Homeschooling Freedom, and Project-Based Learning (an interview with the Warfels)

Lighting Design, Homeschooling Freedom, and Project-Based Learning (an interview with the Warfels)

An interview where we talk about design and the importance (and sometimes complexity) of lighting in our lives and where we explore the potential of homeschooling not just on our kids' education but our own career paths and family culture. And see how it all comes together in one family's experience with project-based learning and living.