Monthly Archives Jun 2015

I didn't even know this was special

I didn't even know this was special

Cherishing our lives is something a lot of us struggle with. And I think we struggle with it because it's something worth struggling for.

The moving report

The moving report

We are almost done our move, which we staged in a few parts.

At the start of summer

At the start of summer

I used to know what summer was all about. Back when my kids were little and our week-day family life was largely lived according to my personal rhythms and interests.

Blogging through a mid-life crisis

Blogging through a mid-life crisis

I may not know exactly who I am right now and what I want to do with my life but there's no reason to throw the baby out with the bathwater; i.e. make rash decisions about the blog.

Sunday Night at Plage Henderson

Sunday Night at Plage Henderson

This is a hard place to say goodbye to.