Monthly Archives Jan 2014

He's still too cute for words

He's still too cute for words

He's grown. And the adventures have gotten bigger and the gear a bit more complicated but he's still too cute for words.

We met our Kickstarter goal! Now what?

We met our Kickstarter goal! Now what?

By supporting our Kickstarter you are essentially "pre-buying" a subscription to the video series.

Wherever you are, be there (and dream about where you want to be next)

Wherever you are, be there (and dream about where you want to be next)

In the hubbub and emotional tumult of today, I need to remind myself this is the life I dreamed about living.

The Study of Skiing (or how I feel about prizes, bribes and grades)

The Study of Skiing (or how I feel about prizes, bribes and grades)

Celebrate the victories in your learning environment, but don't bribe your kids to learn, or study, because knowing the skill, having the knowledge, owning the strength and confidence that comes with that - skiing down the mountain on your own- is the reward.

A hat for January

A hat for January

It's cold this month, January cold. A perfect month for a really warm hat.

overwhelm (me)

overwhelm (me)

Choosing a word of the year has always mystified me a bit. Not because I didn't get the concept. Words are powerful and having one simple idea to focus on seems good. But I've never had one, a word of the year that is.

Remembering my life preserver

Remembering my life preserver

I'm not adrift alone in the ocean, nearly overwhelmed by the waves. My life preserver is all the things in my life that carry and sustain me.

I'm all done crying (for now)

I'm all done crying (for now)

My days have lost their predictable rhythm and my usual coping mechanisms aren't working very well because life is simply not "as usual" right now. It reminds me of the early years with my babies.

For lovers and poets (and Damien)

For lovers and poets (and Damien)

We will pass and blow away my dear but while we're here, you with me and me with you, let's live this well.

At the beginning of this New Year

At the beginning of this New Year

I believe it will be hard but I know it can be done. And for right now, that's all there is to write.

At the end of Christmas even the boxes tell a story

At the end of Christmas even the boxes tell a story

I suppose I could use plastic storage bins for the tree ornaments, nested together in an IKEA photo shoot worthy fashion. But cardboard boxes work and they also tell a story.

The hardest part is getting out the door

The hardest part is getting out the door

I may have thought the most difficult part of hiking the Appalachian Trail was going to be physical but I'm thinking now it might be something else entirely.

A Kickstarter launch to the New Year

A Kickstarter launch to the New Year

Saying yes to one thing often leads to another and so this is how I find myself, at the beginning of 2014, preparing not just to hike the Appalachian Trail in 84 days (yes, I'm counting) but launching a Kickstarter campaign with my husband to help fund the video series ...

At the end of the high holiday

At the end of the high holiday

The time between Christmas Eve and New Year's is our family's high holiday of the year. A week long celebration of outdoor winter activity, games, and feasting with family and friends.