Monthly Archives Nov 2013

I'm not selling you anything this season

I'm not selling you anything this season

Resistance might be futile but is the alternative any better?

What's pink, green, and purple all over?

What's pink, green, and purple all over?

Brienne is an expressive person. She likes things in quantity. She likes bling. She likes pink.

Imagination, Creativity & Dress-Up Live Here (still)

Imagination, Creativity & Dress-Up Live Here (still)

We all know the importance of play for young children. As my children get older their play changes but they still play.

The heartbeat of family life

The heartbeat of family life

It's really ok to feel the true heartbeat of family life – its joy and sorrows – together. Two sides of the same coin.

How to change the world (you know, let's pick something easy for today)

How to change the world (you know, let's pick something easy for today)

Imagine the world you want to live in and then go through your days like that is the reality. Create the change you want to see in your own heart and in your home.

Homeschool Help ~ Resource Pages

Homeschool Help ~ Resource Pages

My homeschool help resource pages are done! (mostly) FIMBY posts, supporting books, curriculum, and resources to help you homeschool.

Wasn't quite ready for this ~ The first snow

Wasn't quite ready for this ~ The first snow

It snowed this week. Last year's first significant dump of snow in our woods happened in December, seems we're about three weeks ahead of snow schedule this year.

American Girl Dolls, A Making Season & More

American Girl Dolls, A Making Season & More

It's that time of year. Sometime around mid-October, the costume making buzz hits and till the wrapping of the Christmas gifts there is a lot of "making" going on.

The November Light

The November Light

The trees stand naked and the oranges of autumn are now sodden brown underfoot. Without the warmth of the leaves the light lacks fortitude. It feels watery and diffuse.

(the ultimate) Healthy Homemaker Series ~ the heart of the matter

(the ultimate) Healthy Homemaker Series ~ the heart of the matter

That's what health is for me - it's loving all parts of my body and caring for myself, and others, from a place of love. And home is where that love is nourished and why health and homemaking are a perfect fit.

(the ultimate) Healthy Homemaker Series ~ herbs and essential oils

(the ultimate) Healthy Homemaker Series ~ herbs and essential oils

I am slowly building a stash of high grade essential oils that are replacing my previous use of herbal concoctions. As my stash of essential oils grows I reach for them more and more to take care of my family's health.

(the ultimate) Healthy Homemaker Series ~ soap making, skin care & green clean

(the ultimate) Healthy Homemaker Series ~ soap making, skin care & green clean

Making your own and greening your home is a whole lot easier these days with the wealth of recipes and resources available. Making the initial changes might feel a bit bumpy (and time consuming) but soon it becomes routine.

The Low-Down on Bundles

The Low-Down on Bundles

I made the decision a while back to mostly say no to participating in bundles and to thoroughly and critically evaluate the ones that seemed like a promising or a good fit for FIMBY.

(the ultimate) Healthy Homemaker Series ~ mental and personal wellbeing

(the ultimate) Healthy Homemaker Series ~ mental and personal wellbeing

When I am healthy and well, in all respects, my husband and family benefit as much as I do. It's in everyone's best interests for me to take fabulous care of my wellbeing.

(the ultimate) Healthy Homemaker Series ~ in the kitchen

(the ultimate) Healthy Homemaker Series ~ in the kitchen

To kick off my week of healthy homemaker posts I'm sharing some tips from what works in our kitchen these days. What works for getting healthy, plant-based meals and regular snacks on the table, or ready for the car (as is often the case during the week).