Monthly Archives Jul 2013



Loneliness is a reality for many people. Not simply "once in a while I feel lonely", but an ache we carry in our heart when we don't fit in and feel we don't belong.

Going to town

Going to town

And then came the girls, dressed for town. And I lost my resolve to keep the photographic score even, and who can blame me?

A twelve year old boy is a beautiful thing

A twelve year old boy is a beautiful thing

Dirty clothes, dirty feet and dirty fingernails. Mussed hair, toothy grin, and a sprinkle of freckles across the nose.

Knowing the learner (a story from the strawberry field)

Knowing the learner (a story from the strawberry field)

If I could choose to be an expert in just one thing during this stage of our homeschool journey, I'd chose to be an expert in knowing my kids and building a better relationship with them.

Free Homeschool Chat

Free Homeschool Chat

What do I love? Connecting with people, sharing beauty, encouraging and teaching, living and writing a good life story. So that's the work I'm going to do right now. And that work might not earn us any money, and we're ok with that.

My Summer Job

My Summer Job

And now, with a re-focusing of my heart to home and family, my vitality is returning. The vitality I feel in living well; living purposefully, according to our values and goals, and with beauty.

Herbal Summer Skincare

Herbal Summer Skincare

Once upon a time I wrote about herbal remedies at FIMBY. These days I don't write about it but we still use and make our own herbal preparations. This is a compilation post of herbal tutorials from my blog and other resources for summer skincare.

I think we need more floaties

I think we need more floaties

I think we need more floaties. Because the river isn't all about quiet reflection. It's also about fun and frolic.

I forgot about the berries

I forgot about the berries

You don't pay for these berries. You don't fertilize, mulch or prune them. They don't give the yield of a cultivated berry patch but they don't ask for anything either. They are nature's gift.

A traveler's perspective on being present

A traveler's perspective on being present

There are too many good things in life you miss out on when you wish yourself somewhere else.

Road Trip ~ Life 3.0 Style

Road Trip ~ Life 3.0 Style

Like all things in life, we're figuring it out "how to do it" by doing it. Not by armchair travel (reading about it,) but by packing the gear and getting on the road.

A day in the city (friends who leave a key to their home)

A day in the city (friends who leave a key to their home)

We manage to squeeze in one day in NYC thanks to friend's hospitality.